<!-- new slacker website coming soon maybe... email jesse with ideas -->
slacker sound sistims
UPDATE ~ monday 11:28 PM
Jesse Wilson

walk on by

UPDATE ~ sunday 10:14 PM
Jesse Wilson

clay hurts too but we keep breathing

bob is always trying to impress me with his embarrasing stories of being a drunk and doing things he normally would not

big halowe'en party at 88 B

sloan was musical but they don't broadcast energy like the bands i love

UPDATE ~ saturday 11:50 AM
Jesse Wilson

slacker longsleeve hooded sweatshirts designs have been finalized - - - - they are damn sexy.
wanna see what they look like? click!

it's lame saturday . . . . . . maybe sloan will make me feel better?

UPDATE ~ friday 8:44 PM
Jesse Wilson

"This is absolutely a true story -- forward it around to friends who might get a kick out of it. Had the most interesting conversation with the top sales weasel at our company today. She came into my office and noticed I had a box of Altoids on my desk. (Have you had them? They are these obnoxiously strong peppermints made in England.) As soon as she saw them, she burst into laughter. Turns out she had recently had an affair with a guy who called her and left her an incredibly steamy voice mail message after an encounter. He went on and on about what a blow job goddess she was, how amazing she was, how he'd never be the same, etc. She was kind of puzzled, thinking: what did I do to this guy that was so different from my regular technique? She finally figured it out: she's a smoker, and before getting intimate with him, she had gone to the bathroom to "freshen up." Not having a toothbrush, she crunched on about four Altoids and then got busy. Apparently things went amazingly.
So she passed this little tidbit on to another female sales weasel, who immediately tried it out on her fiancee. Apparently this guy has never, ever been into oral sex, but liked the mint sensation so much that he asked her to stop and chew another Altoid mid-blow job. He is now a fellatio gourmand. This news has been going around our office. Having a box of Altoids on your desk is now like being part of the Secret Blowjob Goddess Society. It's the equivalent of having the hottest car or coolest computer. News spread like crazy among the females, who all went out at lunch to Walgreens to buy a box of Altoids (about $2 for 100 or so), and their partners across the city tonight are getting one hell of a corporate blow job. As far as company-wide morale boosting events, it doesn't get much better. Some of the men found out, too -- they went out after work to buy them for their wives. They strategized on how to get their wives to eat them. And people wonder why I work in technology.

(For what it's worth -- it really does work! It leaves a lasting tingle that is apparently quite exquisite.) "

UPDATE ~ thursday 10:13 PM
Jesse Wilson

lousy thursday but at least i didn't barf twice during an exam

hardquor should be released but dancin' graham is one lazy mother fucker and he hasn't shown me a cool GUI yet and well we can't proceed without that. and i'm a lazy mofo cause i haven't yet finished my killer-AI . . . .. it will rock when it's ready hopefully soon

Robbie likes porn so he is cool

new incubus CD is good

maybe see sloan on weekend if tickets still selling

who am i going to be? superjesse™

UPDATE ~ wednesday 7:32 PM
Jesse Wilson

halowe'en party at 88B coming in just one week.

here is a map to 88B click!

what are you going to be? sad baby

UPDATE ~ sunday 11:37 AM

jesse you look like you need a hug.

UPDATE ~ 11:35 AM
Jesse Wilson

life is hard. but i'm tough with an F

i think we're going to proceed with the slacker hooded sweatshirts, albeit with fewer colours to save you money. mail me if you want to be on the notification list.

UPDATE ~ friday 1:31 PM
Graham Cale

Sweet sweet sweet. :)

Work is hilarious.
I'm almost the only one here.

Oh, found this.
Thought it was funny. :)
Relates to UWaterloo and my friends there really well I think. :)
Mainly because I think I can see us actually saying stuff like this.
But in a little cooler way. :)

Your Momma's so wack

UPDATE ~ 12:05 AM
Jesse Wilson

hey shelly

just wanted to let you know
that i'm cool. i really hope
we have an awesome fucking
friendship because I truly
believe that you are the best
thing to happen to me since
I came to Ontario.

i am sad that our differences
drove us apart, but I understand.
My life will go on; your life
will go on. You'll be a single
girl in first year, and I'll be
a single guy in 3rd. And those
2 people they will be good buddies.

In thirty months, I should have
my UW degree in hand. I will drive
away from Ontario probably forever,
leaving you forever behind. And
if I'm as smart as I think I am,
I'll have enough cash and enough
guts to come back to this disjoint
province and hang out with my best
friend Michelle.

You will always be a big part of
my life Michelle, and I will always
be a big part of yours. Hopefully
our decision tonight will turn out
for the best.

I hope you know that I'm always
there for you. I care so much about
you, and the fact that we're not
kissing or holding hands doesn't
change that one bit.

Your eternal friend

PS - I hope you don't mind, I'm
writing this to everyone to announce
do it?

UPDATE ~ tuesday 5:49 PM
ed the sock

I also hate the world. The world is a sucks, it would be so much better if we got free candy, instead of funding war.

UPDATE ~ sunday 8:36 PM
Jesse Wilson

i hate the world more than usual today

UPDATE ~ wednesday 11:58 PM
Jesse Wilson

quoridor is supposed to be out on friday, but I'm a slacker and so are my peers so I'm gonna tack on an extra 2 weeks

i could have mentioned this earlier, but i didn't

gigantic moose's head in my car tastes delicious

UPDATE ~ 1:04 AM
Jesse Wilson

tha slacker sound sistims phashion stuff is going okay - people seem to like the genetic engineer bunny-hug. i contacted my screen printers, and if we compromise some of the elements of the design (less colours), we can get 'em done for about $40 with tax.

first web release of hardquor scheduled for friday - might not make deadline, but we shall see

caffeen fonts
slacker binary resources
update swank.ca

graham sideproject
cobalt clo co

we're thinking of making the 2001 shirts soon - they could be hooded sweatshirts or they could be bunnyhugs or they could be llamas with drawstrings and sleeves.
if you have any ideas email shirtman also we are thinking of selling these to the real world... but we don't know how yet

hey nakedguy! you need some shirt, no? well we've partnered up with web folks cafe press to bring you SLACKER-MART. it is your online phashion store.

right now we only have 2 things in store but you wait and soon there will be enough phashion to clothe a beach full of fat nudists.



register today for a copy of SLACKER SOUND SISTIMS amazing upcoming alternative album. Swank Trax 2002 is guarnateed to be the greatest album since Swank Trax 2001! Here's what Curtis K. had to say about the album, "When I listen to Swank Trax 2002, it makes me remember all the fun I had back in the summer of 2002. I also enjoyed flying a hovercar in that year and conversing with my brand new futuristic robots."

to register for your copy, send a small child to:

c/o Jesse Wilson
52 Columbia St. W
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3K5


Get the slacker sound sistims skin for windows media player! Works with Windows Media 7.0+. Download this amazing sexy skin as soon as possible! slacker sound sistims skin

Staind: Break The Cycle

Green Day: Dookie