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slacker sound sistims
UPDATE ~ saturday 7:19 PM
Luke Cyca

Those of you who've been outside in the last few weeks will know that it's looking like fall. To stay with the times, Cobalt Clothing Co wants to make some fall-colored versions of "Toe-nail Clipping Dude." Check it out.

UPDATE ~ wednesday 7:44 PM
Jesse Wilson

first entry in the slacker new shirt pool - - - - - we want to get a set of cool shirts and make the best ones .. . . . . the 2001 shirts if you will

here's my first attempt at something truly cool . . . . . shirt - basic idea is as such, it should be 'cleaned up' if any interest is taken

tell me what you think . . . . remember - morals are for philosophers, not engineers!

UPDATE ~ tuesday 1:23 PM
Graham Cale

An interesting thread I found relating not to the censorship of movies or televission loosly related to the events of 9/11, but to the censorship of the music.

Pass the popcorn someone.

(read the whole thread, it explains itself.)

UPDATE ~ saturday 1:38 AM
Jesse Wilson

it's freaky friday and SLACKER SOUND SISTIMS is bringing you some good shit

well here's a good story. it was like august 25th or something and i am sitting in a place thinking, "damn I need a good idea for a slacker shirt" and i mean i'm thinking of designing a new design but i need inspiration

and then I think, "well all good designs involve flames" and I'm a big fan of logo-style graphics, so I thought it would be cool a design to put in a gigantic 747 in flames! And the logo symbol thinky would be the AIRPORT airplane symbol upside down - cool, no?

no. it not really cool. it was very cool before those motherfuckers shit on New York, but now it is not. unless your graham and you're like "hey everyone dead people! Let's get some popcorn; this is exciting" but that's a whole different thing.

Well censorship I admit is gay also but nevertheless, SLACKER SOUND SISTIMS is thinking of hooded sweatshirts (also known as a BUNNY-HUG) - If you have a design or an idea for one, email me

UPDATE ~ thursday 11:13 AM
Graham Cale

Isn't it great when you feel justified?

People don't want comedy.
People don't want to ignore what happened in New York.

People are curious.

People want to see more about terrorism. They want to see the shows and movies featuring it. They don't want to see it disapear.

They want to see it.

UPDATE ~ 12:00 AM
ed the sock

Good day all losers who are friends with the slacker crew. (If I keep posting here, does that make me a loser too?). I haven't said much of late, many of you may think this is because I do not have anything thing to complain about. This is simply not true, the actual reason is that I have been too busy getting it on with your mom. I have many things to complain about. Today's topic will be the high price of university tuition. Now I know what you're thinking...why would some hot shot much music VJ care about tuition??? well...let's just pretend for a moment that I'm not the real Ed the Sock, and assume that I'm actually a university student. These tuition fees are very discouraging, although my incridible intelligence and good looks will get me through school without having to take a student loan, I know many people who are not so fortunate. I think the government should put more money into education and less into cleaning up Toronto, so that it can fail in it's attempt to get the Olympics.
anyway thats all for now.
Hope that Clay's leg heals, so he can skateboard drunk more often. And I hope to hear some of these waterlooian tales of the clitoris.

UPDATE ~ wednesday 12:01 AM
Jesse Wilson

went to the dot today

the city is waiting that's all it is is waiting wait wait wait

i don't lik to wait

sex ed at waterloo is full of double entendres and discussion of the clitoris it is pleasant

UPDATE ~ tuesday 1:20 AM
Jesse Wilson

yeah i got the internet again yeah
now i can look at news and download music

working on hardquor a game
working at itactics

clay broke his leg i sorry clay get well man

girlfriend got porta-PC it is good

giant slacker van on my wall very cool

UPDATE ~ monday 3:42 PM
Graham Cale


Saw O last night...
Absolutely bloody amazing.
By far one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
Never should have been held back.


UPDATE ~ sunday 7:01 PM
Clay Lawless

Ok well I guess I am about due to post something...
so here it is,

Life has been busy lately.. I have a few webdesign jobs on the go..

A couple business' and the on going battle of the slacker site....

Also I just moved into my new place in Regina... it is great... xcept then I went and broke my leg...

Oh don't worry I am find but you can send me cash donations if you feel really sorry..
I busted it when I was out skatin kinda lost my balance on my board and landed sideways on the old ankle...
Torn the Ligament on the inside of your ankle... and since it tore the outside bone of my leg snapped... fun eh?

Oh well I am looking forward to getting it off... so that is how my life has been adding up...

Just thought I would let you all know I am not dead....

UPDATE ~ thursday 11:56 AM
Graham Cale

what a wasted weekend.

well, mostly wasted I mean.

watched sooo many movies.
Silence of the Lambs
The Musketeer
Jeepers Creepers
Fight Club
and some others that I can't remember and couldn't post earlier due to tech probs.

Speaking of movies FUCK hollywood sucks!
I realize that it's run by bussiness men, bankers, and lawyers, but come on! At least try to keep things entertainment or art driven rather than be so scared to take a chance on something you've already made that you won't release it.

Get this, thanks to the World Trade Buildings collapsing, several television shows and movies are putting off their release indefinitly. Several promising new television shows which feature terrorist actions in the premeier, namely 24 (the only example I can think of at the momment), is being at least rummoured to be pushed back or even taken off the Fall line up.

Tim Allen's new movie, Big Trouble, which was schedualled to be released Sept. 20-something is now "coming soon" (offical site) This is a comedy, which, because of 1 scene which deals with defusing a bomb on a plane, could wait as long as Christmas before it's released.

Don't get me wrong, I feel really bad that so many people died for what seems to be no reason other than to attack the US (I'm almost surprised no one's realeased a "we did this because..." video or something) but I don't see why current events should effect movies this much. I can sort of reason with the decision to stop playing the Spiderman trailer which features a hellicopter full of bank robbers caught in a web spun by the web-slinger between the two Trade Towers. But the desission to suspend movies just because they deal with either terrorists, plane crashes, or bombs on planes or to rule these potentially great plot devices out due to current events seems dumb or wrong on some level to me.

On a non-terrorist note; The modern day remaking of Shakespear's Othello, O, which is just being released was initally done filming and editting, ready for release just before the Columbine School Shooting (several years ago). O wasn't released due to the fact that it featured high school violence, and releasing it after such a graphic display of real High School violence was deamed unwise or something and so O was shelved.

Forturnately it was recently bought by another company which seems to have the guts to release it. Or maybe this new company isn't just as scared or figures enogh time has actually passed and they'll be able to avoid whatever negitive side effects would have been created because of a release closer to the date of the shooting.

Anyway, I just thought I'd ramble about this and how I was under the impression that Movies and Televission were sort of supposed to reflect real life (more Reality Based Shows such as Survivor anyone?). But apparently when real life get's a little bit too much like the movies, and people might actually be MORE interested in seeing these movies or tv shows, the studio's pull them back to avoid some sort of out cry that the studio's are insensitive jerks who are only in it for the money. (does anyone believe that they aren't?)

Movies and tv should be about art and entertainment, I keep getting the sensation that it's only really there for the money.

Share your thoughts with me

UPDATE ~ tuesday 10:29 PM
Jesse Wilson

moved to 88-B. New address in full is 88-B John St. W / Waterloo / N2L 1C1... phone is still 501-HOMO

no internet access at home thru the eleven of september. this is very very bad

new house is very cool

come party at 88 on saturday

caffeen fonts
michelle girlfriend
slacker binary resources

graham sideproject
cobalt clo co

we're thinking of making the 2001 shirts soon - they could be hooded sweatshirts or they could be bunnyhugs or they could be llamas with drawstrings and sleeves.
if you have any ideas email shirtman also we are thinking of selling these to the real world... but we don't know how yet

hey nakedguy! you need some shirt, no? well we've partnered up with web folks cafe press to bring you SLACKER-MART. it is your online phashion store.

right now we only have 2 things in store but you wait and soon there will be enough phashion to clothe a beach full of fat nudists.



register today for a copy of SLACKER SOUND SISTIMS amazing upcoming alternative album. Swank Trax 2002 is guarnateed to be the greatest album since Swank Trax 2001! Here's what Curtis K. had to say about the album, "When I listen to Swank Trax 2002, it makes me remember all the fun I had back in the summer of 2002. I also enjoyed flying a hovercar in that year and conversing with my brand new futuristic robots."

to register for your copy, send a small child to:

c/o Jesse Wilson
52 Columbia St. W
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3K5


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Staind: Break The Cycle

Green Day: Dookie