what a wasted weekend.
well, mostly wasted I mean.
watched sooo many movies.
Silence of the Lambs
The Musketeer
Jeepers Creepers
Fight Club
and some others that I can't remember and couldn't post earlier due to tech probs.
Speaking of movies FUCK hollywood sucks!
I realize that it's run by bussiness men, bankers, and lawyers, but come on! At least try to keep things entertainment or art driven rather than be so scared to take a chance on something you've already made that you won't release it.
Get this, thanks to the World Trade Buildings collapsing, several television shows and movies are putting off their release indefinitly. Several promising new television shows which feature terrorist actions in the premeier, namely 24 (the only example I can think of at the momment), is being at least rummoured to be pushed back or even taken off the Fall line up.
Tim Allen's new movie, Big Trouble, which was schedualled to be released Sept. 20-something is now "coming soon" (offical site) This is a comedy, which, because of 1 scene which deals with defusing a bomb on a plane, could wait as long as Christmas before it's released.
Don't get me wrong, I feel really bad that so many people died for what seems to be no reason other than to attack the US (I'm almost surprised no one's realeased a "we did this because..." video or something) but I don't see why current events should effect movies this much. I can sort of reason with the decision to stop playing the Spiderman trailer which features a hellicopter full of bank robbers caught in a web spun by the web-slinger between the two Trade Towers. But the desission to suspend movies just because they deal with either terrorists, plane crashes, or bombs on planes or to rule these potentially great plot devices out due to current events seems dumb or wrong on some level to me.
On a non-terrorist note; The modern day remaking of Shakespear's Othello, O, which is just being released was initally done filming and editting, ready for release just before the Columbine School Shooting (several years ago). O wasn't released due to the fact that it featured high school violence, and releasing it after such a graphic display of real High School violence was deamed unwise or something and so O was shelved.
Forturnately it was recently bought by another company which seems to have the guts to release it. Or maybe this new company isn't just as scared or figures enogh time has actually passed and they'll be able to avoid whatever negitive side effects would have been created because of a release closer to the date of the shooting.
Anyway, I just thought I'd ramble about this and how I was under the impression that Movies and Televission were sort of supposed to reflect real life (more Reality Based Shows such as Survivor anyone?). But apparently when real life get's a little bit too much like the movies, and people might actually be MORE interested in seeing these movies or tv shows, the studio's pull them back to avoid some sort of out cry that the studio's are insensitive jerks who are only in it for the money. (does anyone believe that they aren't?)
Movies and tv should be about art and entertainment, I keep getting the sensation that it's only really there for the money.
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