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High Priority Links, the SLACKER SOUND SISTIMS website
Graham Cale, Tuesday, September 30 at 9:26 AM
Graham Cale
And then I was all like "would you like to be my girlfriend?"
And she said "sure."
So I said "cool."

Graham Cale, Monday, September 29 at 5:33 PM
Graham Cale
So Kev' and I decided that we had had enough video games for the afternoon and that it was time to go outside in the cold and play.

But what could we play?
Why soccer of course!

Why soccer?
I don't know.
I don't really know how to, or like to, play soccer.

So anyway, we're kicking the ball around and then this guy comes over and recruits me and says "wanna play on my competitive league team?" and I say "what the hell, why not!!"

And so today I celebrate my first assist!
Woo! Go team!
Woo! Go me!

Graham Cale, 10:18 AM
Graham Cale
This weekend I watched baseball, met a mom, and was shockingly amazed at the incredulous conclusions that Mills and Dylan can come to when left together.

Today I'm reading, doing a stat's assignment, and going to watch a movie and stuff...

Tomorrow? Who knows. (other than kicking some more ass on a volleyball court....)

Jesse Wilson, Sunday, September 28 at 5:16 AM
Jesse Wilson
Tuong's Noodle House

Tonight our weekly fun quest led us to Tuong's house. After all that beer last night, tonight I tried to mix it up with rootbeer! Having floats with alcoholic rootbeer is a great way to get drunk and eat ice cream.

We went on Tuong's computer looking for Grand Theft Auto 3 codes, but all we could find was a healthy collection of MPEG pornography. Most of it was stashed in the school/stats/ folder - and I gotta say dude it's no wonder why you've taken so many stats courses!

After Tuong's landlord and employer came home the gang decided to head to New Yorx for some excellent waiting-in-line action. Mark and I decided to pass on that shit and got dropped off at Mark's instead. And then we had a dilemma: we had to have more fun than the rest of the guys or we would be labeled pussies for bailing.

So we skateboarded across town to my house. Skateboarding was more fun than New Yorx because we got to:
  • pee off the overpass
  • hide from the police
  • hang out in Bryan's backyard without Bryan
  • bake in my Sauna

    So skateboarding was better and I had more fun than you. I RULE!

  • Jesse Wilson, Saturday, September 27 at 1:08 PM
    Jesse Wilson
    Gentlemen's Club de Jan

    Today I'm experiencing one of those pain and confusion mornings. It took me 20 minutes to get dressed but I'm only wearing jeans and a shirt. I put deodorant on four times because every time I started putting on a shirt I couldn't remember if I had put on pit-stick yet. I've had fourteen mugs of water and my car is nowhere to be found. How did I find myself in this confusion? By spending a fun nite at Gentlemen's Club de Jan.

    The night started with some tasty Saskatchewan beers and complaining at Blockbuster video. "Yeah I want to rent the XBox beach volleyball game with all the hot chicks, and I can't find it."

    We settled for NHL Hitz 2003 and I gotta say that I sucked at hockey last night. In their endless pursuit of fucking me over, the fuckers at Microsoft decided to switch where the turbo button and shoot button are on the XBox version of this otherwise fun game. Every time I recovered the puck on my side of the ice, I would attempt to turbo forward and the shitty fucking game would have me shooting from behind my blueline. Now I must find a Nintendo Gamecube to show my jerk friends that I am in fact awesome at videogames so that I can regain their respect and my dignity.

    Then we started to make drunken debates on how to solve all of the world's problems. The only clever thing from all of the talking was when we were talking about how the world would be if there was no racial diversity.
    a: "When there's only whites left, who do you oppress then?"
    b: "Women!"
    a: "...And when you've gotten rid of all of the women, then who do you oppress?"
    b: "Gays!"

    Well it was a fun night at Jan's and hopefully he will invite us back someday real soon!

    Graham Cale, Friday, September 26 at 8:47 AM
    Graham Cale
    Weekendish fun on the way!
    Now all I have to do is find my way to campus, hand in assignments, and possibly sleep the rest of the afternoon so that I'll be absolutely ready to be burning into the mid-morning.

    All so that I can be absolutely exhausted on Saturday after a handful of hours sleep.... Ohhh, the cycle is a beautiful thing.

    Sometimes I wish I could stop smiling.
    But not today.

    Never today.

    Jono Feldstein, Wednesday, September 24 at 10:59 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    For those of you planning on voting in the 2003 Ontario election, if you are looking for some additional opinions, you can read mine.

    Andrew Mills, 2:53 AM
    Andrew Mills
    Well my greesy geno days are almost over, as you might have noticed, i shaved off the goat hair, only to realize i look like i am a 14 year old hairy italian. So my goat hair, it's almost back. And good thing to, cause this weekend i imagine will be one of those to remember.

    It's 3:05 a.m. and i have 4000 more lines of latin to go, i am so screwed. Damn you vulgate latin.

    Oh and thanks Robbie, I appreciate the offer, but no, i did not hit a car, i hit some other yellow object, and on the points scale, an even 10.

    balleis karakis mallakis(go to hell you wankers){modern greek}

    Graham Cale, Monday, September 22 at 10:48 AM
    Graham Cale
    Weekend, Wow.

    To start off the weekend, Josie Jodie, Mills, Julia (Dylan's Sister) and I went and saw Underworld. Which was pretty good for a "I'm a werewolf!" "I'm a vampire!" "I hate you!" "FIGHT!" movie.

    After the movie, I performed my most daring stunt to date.

    I let Josie Jodie cut my hair.

    In all honesty, it actually doesn't look that bad.

    Then it was off to Phils with Mills. And other people that he knows, but I don't. But that's ok, there were lots of new faces that I met, and tones of old ones. Several asking about Jesse. One even looked to get violent when she found out that someone else had cut his hair..... They played some great stuff at Phils that night (like the Brand New) so I was especially tired after nearly closing out the bar (2:40 leave time)

    It was cool seeing Worksy out at Phils's again... OOooohhhh Worksy. Always willing to "take a hit" to move me one step closer.

    Then, there's dead tired Saturday. After 4 hours of sleeping on the futon at Josie's Jodie's it's off to cheer at Josie's Jodie's baseball tournement. (hey, someone's got to be the fun cheerleader!).

    Anyway, several more things happened this weekend, but the most interesting of which probably has to be this girl on Josie's Jodie's baseball team. After only having met her on Saturday I've already spent several hours talking to her.....

    This could be worth paying attention to later down the road. Even Jones Soda seems to think so. (my fortune last night was something to do with a new zesty partner and tones of fun....)

    Robbie Anderson, Sunday, September 21 at 10:02 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    bored Jesse? lol


    Robbie Anderson, 8:43 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    In response to the last post made by you I would like to offer mine and the rest of the crew(Jan Jesse Mark) To fix this yellow car you broke. We have just finished on my yellow car and it runs perfect minus one bolt. So if you neeed our help we are just a phone call and a plane ticket away.

    -Robbie"Stupid Jap cars"ANderson

    Andrew Mills, 8:24 PM
    Andrew Mills
    Damn yellow... hit.. car... in front of parents... damage... yellow?
    stupid midgit...damn, damn, damn....


    Jesse Wilson, Saturday, September 20 at 4:43 AM
    Jesse Wilson
    Ciaran's House & Grill

    Well this drinking establishment was good times. Although the ratios were more towards the penis, there were still plenty of rocking and rolling to be had.

  • Adam Abdulla, passed out with blood all over his face!
  • throw ball, dog chase ball, repeat as necessary
  • Nobody knows that Ciaran fucked Jenn!
  • Stupid hats!
  • Pyramid O Kokanee. That's nine beer for Robbie, nine beer for Jesse and pain in the morning for all! Shots were stolen and added to the pyramid o pain.
  • I had two free McDonald's double cheeseburgers!
  • wearing arm thingies that were purple!
  • taxi driver going 140 km/h on the road on the way back to bed

    and finally the uber-highlight of the night
  • taking samples of Dr. Michael Dickson's complimentary viagra!

  • Jesse Wilson, 1:39 AM
    Jesse Wilson

    I drunk @ Ciaran's house party. There three girls here and like 5 guys. Cool people list: Jan, Jesse, Robbie, Ciaran, Jon (in order of coolness!). We spill manny a beer! it fucking awesome. i no fall over for long time!

    and that the end of that.

    Jesse Wilson, Friday, September 19 at 8:34 PM
    Jesse Wilson
    So it's been two weeks since I tarred Robbie's 240 SX and it is still in front of Mark's house. This weekend is go-time for sure. I just wish somebody knew how to attach the belt inside his engine. Cause every time we go to his car we take a different part off that we can't get back on.

    Tonight I'm going to the Regina Pats Hockey home opener tonight - oh boy! I hope there's a fight.

    After the game, it's a good old fashioned rookie-ing for Robbie as a Regina Cougar. The poor bastard has involuntarily signed up for a painful highschool-calibre athletics program. He even has to take a medical exam to make sure that he's worthy. The funny thing of all of this is that he is nervous about peeing in a cup! I wonder why?

    Robbie Anderson, 2:03 AM
    Robbie Anderson
    Hey all well I am off to bed but before I go I would like to say sorry to Jodie cause I was mean to her on the internet today. I am sorry jodie I never meant to call you a bitch and a cheap whore. (lol yes I did shhhhh) Weel peace out all and have a good night on behalf of Robert D Anderson.

    -Robbie"your friend and foe"Anderson

    Jono Feldstein, Thursday, September 18 at 10:48 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    The future is near at hand!

    In other news, got my fine reduced to $20 yay and I have given some thought to the sky diving thing, am going to talk to the guy tommorow.

    Graham Cale, 12:09 AM
    Graham Cale
    Do it Jono.

    mark wilson, Wednesday, September 17 at 10:56 PM
    mark wilson
    I am so sorry buddy Robbie but I had some rage that I had to express and if it hurt your feelings I apologize. I really am sorry.

    West Nile Update

    Happy to say that I am done with West Nile, I kicked that epidemics ass. There will be no dying on my part. I am also past the point where I can miss school anymore so that sucks.

    Jono Feldstein, 10:39 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    Alright I have two questions for everyone.

    1. Is this bogus? At first when I found out about this, I thought so, but it seems to be orchistrated by the people at Lindows. Free money? Or is it only for United States people? If so, maybe my brother can cash in.

    2. I have been asked if I want to go sky diving by a co-worker of mine. At first the offer sounded kinda cool, something different. But, then he laid the price tag on me, $180, ouch. Now I am feeling minor guilty pressure from the guy about going. What do ya think I should do, dive away or tell him to go jump off a plane. Oh and apparently I get a certificate saying I did it, although I could always make one and claim I did. Plus apparently every additional time I would go the price drops to $65.

    So, what are your thoughts?

    ed the sock, 4:08 PM
    ed the sock

    This game is for you!

    alkaline trio game

    Make sure you watch the intro

    ed the sock, 11:58 AM
    ed the sock
    Hey Mark,

    that was very funny. I was expecting you to give Robbie advice, but then you called him a lazy asshole. I almost squirted coffee out my nose.

    PS - I also hope you don't die. In fact I hope you feel much better.

    Hey Jesse,

    I get done class at 12:20 on Friday. We're hoping we can be out of Regina by 1. Are you okay with us picking you up at ~12:45? Then we'll be in Calgary at 7:30 or 8:00...

    Robbie Anderson, Tuesday, September 16 at 9:36 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    I can't guy my car is broken and Jesse and I will fix it thrusday afternoon. Have a good day mark and I am glad to hear that you are okay. I love you buddy and I hope ou don't die from west nil cause that would really really suck. I would be sooooo upset!

    -Robbie"rock your body"Anderson

    mark wilson, 8:45 PM
    mark wilson
    Hey Robbie how about this one. This will be a good one,
    take you car that has been parked in front of my house for three weeks and put it somewhere else you lazy asshole.

    Graham Cale, 7:24 PM
    Graham Cale
    So Kev', Mike, and I were playing some beach volleyball with these two other girls and their male friend this afternoon.

    And all in all they weren't too bad.

    Except the one girl was being just a little unsportsmanlike mouthy.

    So I started trying to pick on her a little bit more than anyone else on the other team. I'm not sure if Kev or Mike did, but hey, it's not my fault she was probably the worst player on their team. She was asking for it.

    gram, kev, and mike: lots
    mouthy girl and friends: few

    Saw a reasonably sweet shirt on a hottie around campus today. It said "SLACKERS UNITE..... tomorrow...." or something.

    Robbie Anderson, 5:05 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    Hello all!
    Well today is a shity rainy gay day in Regina. Jesse is trying to do work and whenever I go to his office he cries and says "no guy I can't go out now guy. I am trying to be a computer geek and I am doing a real good job of it today.".
    So in other news, I have Jesse car and I need to know what I can do to it. I have to get him back for driving my car in tar. So if you have any suggestion please feel free to email them to me. I think I am going to get Jesse now and make him stop working or something cause I need to go to the mall and we all know the mall is no fun alone.

    peace out
    -robbie"balls of blue"Anderson

    Jono Feldstein, Monday, September 15 at 11:59 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    For those interested, the following link shows some info about the cool project I am working on at work.

    Naomi Williams, 8:46 PM
    Naomi Williams
    Hey I'm alive.

    I have no life, but I'm alive.

    I hit the road on Sunday night....heading to Napanee...then Perth...then Smiths falls...etc, etc.

    The University Fair is this weekend, hello high schoolers here I come!



    Jono Feldstein, Sunday, September 14 at 11:22 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    Went to a work party today at around noon. Got there early so decided to offer my services with getting everything set up. I got parking duty and while there I met some really cool people.

    The coolest of which is a guy who is starting work tommorow. He's some sort of texture modeller guy, he has worked on some pretty cool projects including work on some CSI video game. Anyhoo, we got to talking about stuff and he asked me if I would be interested in doing some climbing with him in the near future. I gave him a hell ya, I hope I can find out his email address at work as he seems to be a cool guy.

    In other party news, I joined a team of girls in a bocce tournament. No idea what it is? Well, neither did I, it's like horseshoes with croque balls. Anyhoo, we lost but it was still fun.

    I brought my super soaker too, but only kids had em so I felt as though I couldn't just go around putting them out of their misery. Although I thought it would be cool to enter the 3 legged race that only kids participated in, beat them down and push one over and say how you like that bitch and shoot him with my super soaker.

    Anyways, all in all a good time.

    Oh and I heard a cool saying that one can say to people they defeat in video games:

    "Better bring out the label maker, your ass is mine!"

    Graham Cale, 5:37 PM
    Graham Cale
    Kegger was tons of fun.
    Disapointed that we didn't quite get through the second Keg though... Happy that I got to meet a few more cool people. Hell, maybe I'll even see one or two of them again.

    I brought Mills his car back from the Kegger in Missa. I'm riding shotgun with him and at 10 minutes in he's squeeling around corners and drives right over a bird.

    Right over it.



    Jesse Wilson, 3:55 PM
    Jesse Wilson

    Last night we drank a lot of beer! Robbie was constantly refilling our glasses and I never really had any count of how much beer I had put away. But fuck it feels like a lot the morning after.

    Now normally I would go on to talk about how we played cards, went to the bar, got drunk and had a grand old time. But in my hungover state of heightened awareness, I notice I have inadvertently used a rather funny phrase.

    But fuck. Seriously. I said "But fuck" as the first two words of the third sentence of this post. Which reminds me of the next conspiracy that I came across last night. Last night in my drunken state of heightened awareness, I noticed something crazy in an old song that everyone knows.

    Brown Eyed Girl. As you can clearly see from the Lyrics, this song is about anal sex. The brown eyed girl is really the chocolate starfish. You know, the asshole. Lyrics like "Slipping and sliding" and "My how you have grown" back me up. Now in my current bored state of heightened awareness, this reminds me of what I wanted to do this afternoon.

    Asshole. I'm going to go visit Robbie!

    Andrew Mills, Saturday, September 13 at 2:12 AM
    Andrew Mills
    one part: tequlia
    one part: jello shooters
    two parts confusion

    Robbie Anderson, Friday, September 12 at 1:18 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    Hey all!
    WEll I am at school on the internet cause my classes don't start for another 20 mins so I decided what better thing to do then to wtrite on the internet. First I would like to say that life in Regina has been okay; school is boring but I think I will live! Jesse broke my car cause he drove it trew tar, but it's not his fault cause my reset button was broken. Anyways Jesse remember to pick me up at scholl at 12:15 12:20 so that I may get home!

    -robbie "ride game tonight" Anderson

    mark wilson, Thursday, September 11 at 9:49 PM
    mark wilson
    For anyone who cares the Pixies will be reuniting which is extreamly exciting. I will have to go to see them even if it means traveling to the deep United States.

    Jono Feldstein, 8:45 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    Well, it's official, I have reached the pedistal of the FZero driving elite. I completed all 4 courses on master class. What does this mean for you guys, well, since I have now varified that the rumors are true, it means that anyone lucky enough to play FZero with me in the future will have 6 more tracks to choose from, the arcade tracks, yippee.

    In other news, I have taken the GO train consistently for the past 2 terms or so. During this time I have never had my ticket checked. I always thought wouldn't it be funny if the one time you forgot to get your ticket cancelled that they checked tickets.

    Well yesterday, in a rush to just catch the train, I just made it on when I realized crap, I forgot to cancel my ride. Oh well I thought, its not like they ever check. So, I took a seat in visual range of a girl I think is hot who must live near my house as she seems to drive the same way as me on the way home. Only this would prove to be ann embarasing mistake. The ticket checkers make there way down the isle slowly checking ticket, my stop is next, can the train make it before they reach me! If I get up and head up stairs that would be too suspicious, crap, crap, crap, he's getting closer! Alright, maybe he won't notice that I didn't cancel my ride, I mean maybe he will see todays date from my morning ride and things will be cool. Unfortunately it was not to be. I was caught red handed infront of the hot girl, noooooo.... only idiot on the entire train too... sigh.

    Ah well, it's a cool story anyways. On the down side though, it was a $110 fine, ouch, this story ain't over yet, I can fight this ticket and that is exactly what I am gonna do, it's called option #2, plead guilty with explanation. Looks like I haveto work on my sincere bamby eyed face. Or just make my idiot face and go, "Come on, clearly I'm an idiot"

    Graham Cale, 6:13 PM
    Graham Cale
    So this afternoon Jesus was walking around on campus by the SLC and the bomber volleyball court when he saw Pythagoras walk out of the Math building.

    Jesus and Pythagoras go way back, but the problem is they're both really competitive.

    So they broke out the burgers, hot dogs, and pop and said "Free Food! Come and get it!"

    And so the masses came running.

    But which to?

    Jesus of course took the first initive (Pythagoras is a little shy when it comes to people) walking around saying "Hey! I can walk on water! And speaking of water, who wants a nice drink of wine?!?"

    Not to be out done Pythagoras broke out some triangles and started talking about squares!

    Needless to say, Pythagoras won the popularity contest and Jesus went home dejected and defeated.

    Unlike me.
    Having fed on a cheep burnt hamburger and two carbinated beverages I kicked some ass on the beach court.

    Graham Cale, Wednesday, September 10 at 11:23 PM
    Graham Cale
    Weirdest sound of the day: listening to kev' curse while sneezing.

    Hey Jesse,
    Nice hair cut, but I thought you were going rocker?

    Graham Cale, 11:22 PM
    Graham Cale
    Dude I'm so sore and tired all over but everything is SO good that I can only think of a couple of things that would make it better!

    Fitness is at an all time high here in waterloo for me.... here's the freaky run down so far.

    Sunday: a couple of hours of hard-core volleyball. Which was only made better by a hotty frosh joiner!

    Monday: Weights at the gym, swimming lengths, volleyball in the evening!

    Tuesday: I get my bike back from warping the rear tire on what some might call stupid fun so I'm biking 30 minutes in and out of campus again, followed by more lengths at the pool, and MORE volleyball! More frosh joiners, although this time they weren't quite so hot, or good at volleyball.

    Wednessday: More biking in and out of campus, Weights at the gym with Kev, and swimming lengths at the PAC and some Volleyball Pepper with Kev while waiting to cheerlead at Josie's Baseball game.

    Tomorrow I get to meet Worksy at the gym for more weights... maybe go swimming and hopefully get some more amazing volleyball going.

    Friday I definitely have to take it easy though. I can't be all worn out for my weekend of fun!

    Kevin Maltby, Tuesday, September 9 at 4:57 PM
    Kevin Maltby
    Hey all,

    For those of us here in Ontario who want to go see a football game out in regina, why not try to win your chance here. And it's not just any old CFL's the Grey Cup! And in the city that rhymes with fun no less! How can this possibly be a bad deal?


    Robbie Anderson, 1:25 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    My buddy got kicked to the curb by his girlfriend the other night and I being a good friend made sure that he got drunk. He started early on a bottle of wine then I arrived and we drank beer and orange vodka, after we finished the vodka and the beers we decided that we must do something! So being that it was monday night there was nothing really exciting that we could do so we went off to the rippers!

    When we arrived at the rippers there was no much goin gon no one there but s so they put a show on for us with hunny. Hunny was hot but still a slut either way. Hunny danced for a bit and Janny Jan got a a table dance to take his mind off the situation. All in all getting drunk on a monday was fun!

    -Robbie"if you need someone to drink with call me up"Anderson

    Robbie Anderson, Monday, September 8 at 12:17 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    Hello all!
    Well this weekend was a good till I arrived back in the R dot! the weekend started off with a friday night drinking fest which then took me to the lake! At The lake I had to drive the boat for my girlfriends family and eat there food. When I arrived home from the lake I gave Mr. Jesse Wilson a call and wanted to know what the good word was; it turned out that Jesse had drivin my car in tar and coated the entire thing in tar and wrecked my car. I thought this was funny and now I get to drive his car so I will need some suggestions on what to do to his car!

    After the convo with Jesse we headed to tuongs store to say happy bday and to see what was up for the night, he ran off and said I was an asshole cause I was at the lake during the day and that I missed his bday during the day. So all in all good weekend but some people need to re think what they say to others.

    -Robbie"grow up"Anderson


    Jesse Wilson, Saturday, September 6 at 3:40 AM
    Jesse Wilson
    ridiculously cheap pitchers of beer. hiding a case of beer from Tuong's mom, inside Toung's mom's convenience store. Bryan and discussion of highschool pornographer business cards. West Nile virus and how Mark Wilson is a victim. Avoiding shitty hippy music at the Casino Regina stage. The Wolf Rocks ID cards. The beer store and Clayton Lawless feeling giddy. Robbie's mom losing the remote control. Two Pizza Hut 14" Hawaiian pizzas. The hiccups. Sabrina is a nice girl, but she's divergent. Tuong's mom does not speak english as well as I would like. Ciaran Dickson after hitting puberty, macking on whoors at the bar. Peeing in the parking lot. Drinking outside the convenience store. Drinking inside the convenience store. Teasing Mark's mom about Mark contracting West Nile. Not understanding that the Nile is in Ethiopia. Wishing I had a Jodie to hold hands with. Insufficient heavy metal. Harassing Jennifer Graf at the bar. Yelling "hey brother" out the car at strangers. Western Honey-Wheat beer. What if the casino's pay-phone's gave you a 1 in 4 chance of getting your call through, ant a 1 in 100 chance of getting a long distance call to Japan? Jono's brother is humping a girl in Japan, but probably not at the moment. Stealing gummy candies from the convenience store. Hiding my beer poorly from children at the convenience store. Talking generation four Ford Mustangs at the convenience store. Roughriders. Swimming in the morning. I can't see.

    It was an awesome night that I will never remeber.

    Robbie Anderson, Thursday, September 4 at 7:58 PM
    Robbie Anderson
    No.1 I am Robbie

    No.2 If you play mario kart and or blitz game is on

    Anyways I love you mr.Jono have a nice day.

    -Robbie"it aint over till the fat lady sings

    Jono Feldstein, 7:16 PM
    Jono Feldstein
    Not that I am a big James Bond fan or anything, but I have always thought that owning some of his cool items would be neat.

    Speaking of which, check this baby out

    Oh and Clay, you me video games any time. In fact I challenge you, come here and its on!

    Robbie Anderson, 11:54 AM
    Robbie Anderson
    Well the last couple of days Jesse and I have swam upa storm and have realized that getting up at 6:45 isn't the easiest thing to do in the world. We decided that if you go to bed at 2:45 it is hard to get up and want to swim!

    Today I bought my school books and went to a class and now I am thinking of going to pass out on Jesse's couch because my house is full of people that I do not know. There are people all over hammering, sanding and re doing it and I have no Idea who they are but they make lots of noise. I hope you all have a good day cause this mother fu*ker is out of here.

    -Robbie "the man: Anderson

    p.s Jesse has lost at every video game the last three days hope he gets better cause it is boring winning all the time!

    Andrew Mills, Wednesday, September 3 at 3:03 PM
    Andrew Mills
    Erg... Damn, car crash... Damn hitting roomate.... Damn crappy broken car...


    Graham Cale, Tuesday, September 2 at 8:50 AM
    Graham Cale
    So, it's Tuesday September the second. The first day of school for some new up and comers and I'm the last place I expected to be in a long time.

    Why I'm back at the good old W.D.!
    But just for the day.

    Tomorrow it's back to the beach.
    Today is playing with school networks and high school heads.

    What the hell, I think I may even drop by the caff or the staff lounge and see if I can shark up a pool game or two!

    Instant Jpeg

    Unaffected Media


    How dirty are you?

    I have had a tattoo or piercing
    I have been in prison
    I have used cocaine
    I have had sex with someone whose sexual background I don't know
    I have paid money or drugs for sex
    I have taken money or drugs for sex
    I have had sex with another man
    I have spent a total of 3 months or more in the United Kingdom since 1980
    Mark donates blood every 56 days

    Diesel Sweeties

    Grey Cup 2003

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