Jesse Wilson, Sunday, August 31 at 9:31 PM
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KenoseeDay three was the final day of the Jesse and Robbie accidental bender. We went down to Kenosee Lake with Tuong to meet Mark and Clay. We had fun three times during the trip! - Recently we have discovered that Mark's girlfriend is using him for sex! So we secretly planned
Operation Cock Block . We attempted to prevent Mark's girlfriend from getting sex from Mark which would force her to discover that he also has a pretty good personality. This operation failed because we were drunk and passed out and Sabrina is megahorny when drunk or sober. - Also when drunk we played some card game that caused us to have to chug all of our booze. I don't know if it was related to the game at all, but near the end Clayton and Mark and I had to run around the neighborhood naked.
- In order to recover from our hangovers we decided to shoot paintballs at each other. Robbie got a huge welt on his bum and I'm sure if you ask him nicely he will show it to you.
Graham Cale, Saturday, August 30 at 8:52 PM
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ugh. I'm so sore. I think I ate and drank too much.
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Well I will have to agree with Jesse that the club was small, but there were alot of people there that we knew. My friend colt 45 came along last night and said"Robbie I am 4 dollars and you have no money buy me buy me" So after 30 seconds of debating I decided that it was the way to go.
Jesse and I got boozed and all and all it was a good night. Today I think we are off to clays cabin for some more drinks, Yet I am not in the mood to go so we will see what happens. Kiss kiss to all my fans and to the ladies in the back you nkow where I am at.
-Robert D.C. Anderson
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So my plans for today pretty much rock.
After just waking up, I am now indulging in a tasty bowl of cereal. Soon I will shower.
Shortly after that I'm going to be heading out to offer my services as "Volunteer Corn Husker".
Now I'm sure that you're thinking that I'm just going to do this out of the goodness of my heart. Which OF COURSE is true. It just happens that there's the extra added bonus of as much free beer as you can drink for free while you're husking corn. Free.
I can practically taste the free right now.
Free tastes good.
And then after I'm done husking I'll have a couple of hours off for something. Haven't thought of what yet, but I'm sure I will. And then this evening I get to eat as much corn on the cob, hot dogs, and beens for $3!
What an amazing deal!
Cheep food, free beer. :)
Good morning all. Saturday, here I come!
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Tonight we met at one of Bobbie's buddy's places for pre-drinking. Again I was drinking our blue favourite, Rev. It was good but quite intoxicating!
After too much deliberation, we finally decided to meet up at Gabbo's. The Pump Roadhouse was too busy, and we needed to get in right away. Unfortunately, this club wasn't for me.
The atmosphere was impersonating a Miami Club scene. The music was horrible and the fog machine made the air dense and hard to breathe. The small club seemed more crowded than it was, and I kept losing track of my people.
Fortunately there were some good parts of the night. I got to see Demchuck and some Winnipeg swimmers, and I met a new friend named Walker. But the shitty music kept thumping and none of my buddies were heading out to the floor.
Finally around 2:00am Tuong drove me home. He called some chick Jerri and attempted to flirt with her for the long drive down the Lewvan. I got dropped off, and then I can only assume that the two of them engaged in phone sex.
Gabbo's is good, but only if you're asian.
Jesse Wilson, Friday, August 29 at 2:42 PM
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Last night we were having trouble deciding on which adventure to have so we decided to check out Regina's newest nightclub, New Yorx. I drove my kid sister in Robbie's banana-yellow Nissan to the alcohol store where we picked up some tasty booze. Let the fun begin!
The club is pretty cool inside, with two levels and a crowded dance floor. I had to compensate for the lack of Rock-n-Roll with more booze. It was alright but I didn't get to rock out as much as I would have liked.
And then a glimmer of hope! The never-ending dance music stream was interrupted by AC/DC's Thunderstruck. Finally, my heavy-metal haircut paid off! But it was not to be. The song ended, and I was disappointed to hear the following song was computer generated technopop.
I picked my sister up off the floor and we caught a cab back home. New Yorx is a good time if you're drunk.
Graham Cale, Tuesday, August 26 at 10:59 PM
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So I'm a the cottage. And I'm on the beach. And I've got a beer in hand.
And basically that's about all I've got on the go for the next 2 weeks.
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I've left Jono's house and NOW he has FZero GX! NOOOOOOOOOoo!!
I want to play. I WANT TO PLAY!
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The past week has been loads of fun, Kevin and Graham came over and as predicted, we had lots of fun random antics including the grand finale of people spitting on a band that was over the hill and should just retire already, its sad really. Oh yeah, and bag pipes and guitar are a poor combo especially if you don't know how to play 'em.
Work seems alright so far, a shame that the guy I like most is a co-op student who is finished Friday, ah well. Looks like once I finish porting everything to Linux that I am going to be working on a cool project involving aging peoples faces. If your in town, go to the Ontario Science Center, we are scanning peoples faces and applying the aging technique to them. Plus it seems as though my company is responsible for the special effects in the next Resident Evil Movie, so Mills, you can be satisfied that there will be another one.
In other news I just wanted to inform everyone that FZero on a real Gamecube is much cooler then the original, so go out you lazy bastards and buy a cube and FZero GX, when I say you I mean Jesse and when I say lazy bastards I mean you poor drunken cubeless hippie where hippie means lazy bastard.
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aww crap I'm dumb I meant birthday
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Hello Mark....seeing as though no one likes to answer your phone
ed the sock, Monday, August 25 at 5:04 PM
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TEMPORARILY OFFLINEback online august 15, 2003Does anyone else think that it's passed August 15th? And don't blame it on this power shit.
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Yeloow! Well folks my childhood is almost over.....being the youngin on this site my teen years will soon be over *sob* So if any of you feel like mourning the loss of my childhood feel free to attend my 20th birthday on August 25 at The State, there will be live music and lots o drinking.
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Hey all,
Jesse, I can definitely relate to the 36 hours in three days drive. Sounds like you took the same route my family and I did. We caravaned, took walkie-talkies with us for communication, and hit the road. I almost killed several americans (because of road rage, not because of road incompetence) and Ben was soooo lucky to be in the car with me at the time. Poor boy, I think he was like, "Oh my god I've been dating a psycho for over a year and didn't know it!!" I've been in the 1000 Islands area starting Aug. 3, lake-ing it up and swimming in the St. Laurence river and visiting Ottawa and that temple of cheap furniture, IKEA. I got an amazing tan but not amazing enough to withstand 4 hours of sunlight without burning my ass off (literally) at Grand Bend yesterday. Oops. I'm back in Waterloo and I have a new address and phone number, so if you'd like them just send me an email at operagirl@hotmail.com and you will get them! Oh, and send me yours in return! Even though Jesse is not around I am here to REPRESENT the Reg! Oh yeah, and my job is going to kick some sweet ass....road trippin' 5 days a week! Meeting guidance counsellors and snotty high school students! YEAH! See y'all soon, glad SWANK'S back, Na
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To anyone who thinks white men can't jump, all I have to say is this: It is clear that you have never dangled free concert tickets above the heads of Jono, Graham or myself.
cheers, SK
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Ho-Lee fucking shit.
Not to be left out on the Ridiculous things that have been going on, the last couple of days, and the next several have been nothing short of a Marathon of Slackers with such great participants as Jono, SpecialK, and of course, yours truly.
So what could we have possibly have been up to?
Well, two days ago (actual days are so hard to keep track of) we played several hours of tennis in smog filled TO in the middle of the afternoon! Whew! Heat Exhaustion!
One day ago we participated in super fun LaserQuest! Jono felt as though he might be a little bit rusty, but after the game we quickly saw that that he had nothing to worry about. He bloody destroyed EVERYONE! I had the best shot hit percentage, but also the lowest number of kills and shots! Ouch! I guess I just have to take my skill up a notch and be accurate AND deadly!
Today we went to the Phoenix and wow, that fucking rocked. Except for the smoke and the prices (Phils how you've spoiled me). TONES of hot ladies, an entire HOT LADY CONTEST (resulting in bikini's and tones of hot asses!) And most importantly free shit was being givin away. And when there's free shit to be had, Kevin, Jono, and I definitely rise to the challenge!
So yeah. We now have 8 tickets to the Sex Pistols show on Monday night in TO.
That leaves us with FIVE tickets to give away to any of you!
So email us or call if you want to come!
Jesse Wilson, Saturday, August 23 at 5:03 PM
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So the other day I was driving from Waterloo to Regina and I started to go crazy!
I left Waterloo at 1:30pm on the 15th and I got all the way to Chicago by midnight. I started to search for a hotel but the only thing I could find was $70 US for the night! Ridiculous! So I slept in my car instead.
I woke up at 7:00am and I instantly got in the driving zone. I had some Orange Mountain Dew and some Sobe slurpee and some red bull and I was full of caffeine! Ridiculous! So I was alert but very tired.
When I stopped at McDonald's for lunch, I decided to sit at the table where a life-size Ronald McDonald statue was sitting. I started to talk to the ceramic clown, and we got into a heated argument about politics! In my frustration I got personal and told him that he was a clone and that he would never leave that particular restaurant. I was arguing with a statue! Ridiculous! So I told him good-bye and got back on the road.
When I got to North Dakota at 7:00pm, I set my watch back to 5:00pm for the time-zone changes. I had been driving 12 hours almost non-stop and I was really really tired. I decided that I needed to sleep, but it was broad daylight and I had no idea where. So I purchased the thing that I thought would be most tiring to digest - a Subway cold cut combo with everything. I took it to my car in the parkinglot and started to chow down. I barely finished the last bite when I passed out from exhaustion. Ridiculous! So I woke up a couple hours later and got back on the road.
I eventually got back to Regina after driving 2800km in 36 hours. I was totally crazy from the trip, and now I'm home and it is awesome.
Graham Cale, Friday, August 15 at 6:06 PM
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No power... no power.... oh well......
Well, despite what you might think, the power problems is not the reason for why SWANK.ca has gone down. We're in the process of transferring service providers from Doteasy to our own XBox based solution. So hang in. Hopefully we'll be back up soonish.
Anyway, with the power out last night Kev's birthday was made a little lighter than he had expected.
Instead of excess at Morty's, Amanda and Matt cook up a pretty sweet bbq-chicken meal.
Instead of Phils, we just sat around, hung out and talked about stuff when I wasn't either being blinded by Jono's cellphone (it's bright!) or missing meteors and comets.
Later, we headed over to Dylan's for some Poker lessons.
I managed to not embarrass myself too much and won several hands.... though I'm not sure how Mills ended up beating me overall....
Exams are done. Jesse's long gone for Sask. And tomorrow, I'm off to the cottage.
mark wilson, Thursday, August 14 at 7:31 PM
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Well Great Job Jesse, you crazy asshole. You pee in Niagra Falls and the next day niagra falls gets broken. Thanks to you their is no power in Toronto. You better not tell anyone.
Graham Cale, Wednesday, August 13 at 5:48 PM
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Not happy with your girlfriends taste in "romantic music"? Not sure what you should play for your man? Well according to 4 of 5 underage girls at Sunrise in the Erin Mills Mall this is the song for you!
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Ok, I'm not sure who's to blame here, but in case everyone's not sure, I was not horribly injured, or disfigured, or even hospitalized for getting hit by that car in July.
I am fine.
Thank you for your concern. But would whomever is going around telling people that I was knocked into a coma after getting blasted off of my motorcycle by a monster sized SUV please stop.
You're causing me confusion. And worring people.
'cause I mean, EVERYONE likes gram!
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It's been awhile............a la staind
On Saturday Kev' was showing me places to try to learn how to do a couple of jumps with my bike. After getting over an initial timidness and getting used to throwing myself up and over I eventually said "SHIT!" and shortly thereafter bailed.
The friction burn on my right leg is almost healed and I've almost got the dirt that was ground into my clothes out now.
On Sunday I went to Oshawa with Jesse. It was fun. It's been awhile since we've road tripped somewhere.... but the lesson learned that day is that too many burgers and swimming in mills pool really really don't mix.
On Monday I stopped by a mall in Missa, got frustrated by the lineup in the washroom, got knocked around by Jodie for minor little things, and dropped by Sunrise and watched my brother pimp CD's on innocent little girls.
Later I tried not to smile too much when Jesse kept asking where this mystery spot Jodie was going to take him to was.
On Tuesday I used Jesse's XBox as an XBox rather than a computer to beat around Jono, Kev, and Mills at Halo. I guess those hours getting beat around by Brad have helped.
I've spent a lot of time reading the Wheel of Time series recently. People die. New characters are being introduced. Other existing characters change.
Cell phone bill's paid so my phone should start working again soon. Which is good.
Exams are coming. Summer's ending. There's a feeling of change in the air.
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On Monday night, my awesome girlfriend took me in her car and wouldn't tell me where she was going! She drove up through Mississauga, but she didn't go to Krispy Kreme or even to Hendrix's. Then we went towards Hamilton, but not to the Canadian Football Hall of Fame or even to McMaster. Then I had a nap and when I woke up we were at Niagra Falls!
It was very cool and fun. The falls have so much thundering energy that made me really want to find a wooden barrel and go down in it! And if you had enough Kool-Aid powder, the rapids would probably do an awesome job of stirring in case you wanted to make the whole thing taste like lime or Purplesaurus Rex™.
We went into town where there's a whole bunch of puzzledome-like places. There was a WWF store and I wanted to buy a tight yellow t-shirt for Robbie that said "Hulk Still Rules". But I didn't because the bastard would probably get drunk and rip it off just like the Hulk used to do!
Jodie and I played some mini-golf at Dinosaur Park, which had cool dinosaur statues but boring holes. Then we went to Boston Pizza and I got her to drink a scooner of Sleeman so that she wouldn't care about what I was going to do next!
We went back to the falls and it was like 12:30am so nobody much was there anymore. In summer 2000 fashion I went right up to the rail and peed right into Niagra Falls! It was awesome and I will probably remember that pee forever.
It was an awesome birthday present!
Robbie Anderson, Monday, August 11 at 9:44 PM
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Hey all good days at the beach skiing and tubing, Also I hope you all get jesse real drunk before he heads over here cause he has lots of catching up to do in the drinking department, when he gets back to the R dot.
-peace out Robbie"the wigger"ANderson
Kevin Maltby, Saturday, August 9 at 2:22 PM
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Hey, why not....everyone else is doin' it, and so help me if the next couple doesn't get broadcast live on the internet...
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It's true! I went home way early last night. But I did drink a whole evening's worth of beer before I left. This girl Shannon who used to go to Waterloo was there tonight also and she was pretty fun. We got drunk and danced to Godsmack - how cool!
As far as Graham's nookie is concerned, you should have got it on in Kevin's backyard!
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ah HA!
I'm not sure if I should be happy or not, but most of my friends (not counting Kevin and Jono) are weak.
If you're not sure what I mean by weak, I mean that they are genetically inferior and that they had to leave Phils before midnight.
Now some of them might claim that they had sex on the brain, but I say they could have had sex at Phils.
Because I met this girl named Emily that knew how to grind that ass just right.
Red heads are better in bed.
And she was definitely a Red Head. With lots of chest to spare.
And now it is time for me to sleep as I sent my sailor away and only kept a name and number.
As sleeping at Jesse's, or Kevin's, or her parents house just didn't seem quiet right.
Drink's all around.
Drink's all around.
I think the Pizza Pizza guy recognized me from the last time when brad and I tried to blackmail him.
Which might account for why my pizza tasted raw.
good night to all, and to all a good night.
Jesse Wilson, Thursday, August 7 at 10:34 PM
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Oh what a nail biter. Tonight's CFL action had the Saskatchewan Roughriders losing to the Ottawa Rough Riders in the last minutes of the game. The game was great and the Ottawa team had some really exciting plays. Next week is a rematch with Ottawa in Saskatchewan. Hopefully I'll be at the game! Until then I got finals, drinking, packing, working and an XBox to take care of!
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HEllooo So where are my copies of the new swank trax? I'm just gonna asume that because I'm cool enough to post on this site that I'm automatically sent a copy. If not well send me a copy because I am so cool! BAH! So my brother likes to break into my house and steal my shit~! he he he Just kidding well he did take stuff but he was nice enough to have left me a rather detailed message saying what he took and that I could get it back!!! Anywho Just got home from Tumblers....so raunchy.....from a good ol BPs staff party so I'm a little inebr....inbreiate.....drunk! Mwa Ha Ha....Best thing about having breasts! Not paying for drinks! I didn't even ask anyone to buy me a drink and people were feeding me drinks all night....well I didn't drink that much I think my typing skills are still alright! Well I think it's time for some munchies so everyone enjoy your day and just so I can't forget! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSE.....I know you're turning the big 2 2 on the 15th so enjoy it! HAve a drink for me!
Sgt. Pickle
ed the sock, Wednesday, August 6 at 2:26 PM
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Dear Jesse,
your poll is missing something. You forgot all of the above. I'd like to vote for premium, indie, cheap (not cuz it's cheap cuz some of them are good), wheatey and dark.
Also, mad libs on the internet are fun. How else do you end up with things like:
Sadly, tipper gore's career was ruined. She was last seen on the religious channel, selling purple double ended dildo's.
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gram, your ability to dodge cars is rather under suspicion at this point.
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Never fear damsels in distress! I will dodge car accidents and talk to strangers to walk you home safely in the dark!
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Warped Tour 2003, Fun. Sweet present Jesse. Best Show: Less Than Jake. Best Crowd: Me First Other cool bands I'm going to be checking out now: Yellowcard (been checking them out for awhile now actually), Counting The Stars, and Tsunami Bomb. Extreme Bikers completely blew me away. Skaters weren't bad either. Most enjoyable part of heading home? Either completely rocking Jodie's little Focus all over the place while driving on the Highway, or Chinese Fire Drills while we were driving around in Missa. (Too many energy drinks) Despite an early lead, Kev did manage to come back and make the number of laps around the car even by the time we made it to h70 to get a couple of lessons on how to play Halo. I think Kev and I need a couple of days practice if we were to get up into the same league as these guy were playing at... though we weren't completely useless. Mostly. Exams soon. yuck.
Jesse Wilson, Sunday, August 3 at 4:10 PM
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I went to Warped also and it was great! Me First and the Gimme Gimmes was my favourite act because they do real 1990s punk. They sing fast, they cover pop from the 80s and they say fuck a lot. The new 2003 punk is mostly just the word "punk" duct-taped to any style of rock. For example, I think emo-punk is just a cooler way to say light rock. The word means nothing now, just like alternative. How tragic!
In less tragic news, I also managed to be very 1997 and find one hundred seventy-six pepsi points at the show. I'm getting me a soccer ball!
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"Couldn't wait for the summer at the Warped Tour!"
12:15 - Phone rings. 12:16 - Roomies knock on my door to wake me up to get the phone. 12:17 - Hang up phone to get ready for Warped. 12:30 - Fly out the door, lookin stylish as always in preparation for a day of caramel nougat filled punk rock. 12:31 - Notice that it's raining and wonder how much fun moshing in mud will be 1:00 - On the highway in the Jodie-mobile with tunes blaring and having general good times. 2:00 - Stop at Wendy's for lunch where they had CRAPPY old fries and a crazy server who only gave Jesse a tray and the rest of us take out bags. She must have had a thing for him or something. 3:00 - After a crappy stop-and-go drive, stop for gas and a driver switch 3:30 - Sprint into Molson park, praying that the lineup gods had been kind to our fashionably late arrival. 3:35 - Stop cursing and throwing a tantrum at having missed seeing The Ataris by nearly 2 hours. 4:00 - Saw Counting The Stars....cool band 4:30 - Saw Tsunami Bomb, super hottie lead singer 5:00 - Saw Less Than Jake, funky cool ska band with a great desire to create a MASSIVE circle pit....I like that 5:30 - Checked out the last skate/bmx demo of the day 6:00 - Exclaimed "3 DOLLARS? Is this some sort of SUPER pop???" 6:10 - Saw Simple Plan 6:30 - Checked Out GlassJaw briefly and then decided to go after front row over at the other stage for.... 7:00 - ME FIRST AND THE GIMME GIMMES!!! This show super rocked. I was no more than 4 rows back the whole time. The pit was crazy fun despite the loss of my sunglasses and a mild gash on my arm
huh...I can't tell time at all...
well whatever, those are the highlights of the show, followed up by some free energy drinks and a hyper ride to Mississauga singing Blink 182 at the top of our lungs. Oh, and watch out for the Mandarin restaurant from Barrie.....I'm pretty sure it was following me...
Hit up more food....food is good...especially food that is reasonably priced, i.e. NOT CONCERT VENUE FOOD...McD's this time...in that crazy space-aged retro diner one. It's so crazy, it even has BOOTHES (and apparently wireless internet, too bad we weren't travelling all geeked out today)! pretty nuts no? Mmm...normally, non-craptacular fries.
Then made a surprise visit to the boys of House 70 who were in the middle of a Halo team deathmatch. We got a little 4 on 3 action going and despite my newbie-ness, we didn't have our asses totally handed to us the whole time, just a lot of the time. Then kitty bearing friend from House 90 came over....who's name I don't know, but as a late introduction, "Hi kitty-girl, I'm Kevin!"
Good times were had by all. And although I'm sure I forgot/left out stuff, it will likely be covered by my fellow travellers.
Well, the energy drinks and some of the excitement have worn off so I'm sleepy...
Jesse Wilson, Saturday, August 2 at 11:49 AM
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Last night we started at Pizza Hut with a pitcher of Blue. From there we went to 52 to down some Miller Genuine Draft while watching American Pie on TV. Finally it was off to Phil's for Sleemans and some Labatt's 50. No wonder I had to pee so bad during my midterm this morning! This afternoon is Warped Tour - I hope we get to see Two Cents Worth!
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