Allene Chernick, Thursday, July 31 at 12:42 AM
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Hello All!! Well to bring you up to speed Brigadoon was a great success, I have know successfully planted my roots in REgina's theatre community!
in other news I can now die happy. I was recently at Calgary's Folk Music Festival and I met my favorite singer/songwriter Ani DiFranco! WOW!
hmm....that's really all the excitement so talk to all soon.
Robbie Anderson, Wednesday, July 30 at 2:44 AM
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If anything goes wrong, press Apple-Alt-o-f while turning on your computer to reset the Open Firmware. It's supposed to work on other models
-Robbie"all aboiut the macs, and or copy write"Anderson
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Today the Internet is all like, "Hey Jesse, wanna make your cool laptop cooler?" and of course I said yes. But after applying the awesome new thing, my laptop isn't turning on. I know, I know I'm supposed to be this amazing hacker who can fix anything! But I can't fucking figure out what's wrong, mostly 'cause the screen stays black. It blows, and I have another struggle to add to my sky-is-falling list! Oh dear. In more pleasant news, I thought of a new way to spite Mills today. In my economics class, we were talking about how computerization is going to cause a whole bunch of people to be downsized everywhere. Mills works at the grocery store, and these days you can let a robot help you at the new self-checkout system! If we could find robots to do the other great things that Mills does I'd order two of them.
Naomi Williams, Tuesday, July 29 at 8:33 PM
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Alright, so who was the asshole to mock me as I leave my hometown? Huh? BOOO to that person!
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So last night I was biking home from Jesse's house at around 1:20ish. Pretty Regular.
So I get over to Weber Street, biking along. Just coasting. And then I get to the top of the first hill along my path and I noticed that one of the street lights ahead has a really really really thick patch of fog behind it.
Weird I think.
It wasn't until I got closer that I realized what was really happening.
That it wasn't fog.
That it was smoke.
And the Lincoln Mall Plaza was burning down.
There was smoke. And Police. And Ambulances. And Fire Trucks. And spectators.
All in all the smoke smell from the defining point of some peoples lives burning up kinda deminished my looking forward to smelling the sweet sugarly bread products that the bread factory makes on Sunday nights. (which I bike by on my way home)
Andrew Mills, Sunday, July 27 at 7:16 PM
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The course of my weekend was far off the well beaten path of my brethern. T.HO. was i took myself, with goths punks and attractive fellows in tow. Where chainmail bikini's, leather galore, and general disregard for any show of decency was the order of the evening. While dilan, my wisened friend, kind of stood out in his geno wear, he strangely did not get his ass kicked. At this particular bar, even the younger generation showed itself at the Kathedral on Queen. For it was a battle of the bands, and i fell in love with the fucknuckles. Two kittieish sounding school girls, punkin it up and scaring the shit out of yours truely. I thought that blade could have walked in at anytime.
I would have to say that was one of the better weekends of my life. And i owe it all to no-friendo, it makes my life all that much the better.
Graham Cale, Saturday, July 26 at 1:46 PM
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During the Sun-shining hours, after noon of course, was pretty much Kev' and Gram doing random shit stuff. Random shit like breakfast, biking, Bust a Move 99, F-Zero, and more biking.
During our travels we saw several note worthy things.
First: over breakfast at Mel's we saw some reasonably well off dude walking around aggressively accosting people for money. It was kinda embarrassing to watch. So Kev' and I (mostly me) came up with this great idea that when he came over to accost us, we'd ask him if he had any money before he started apply some strong-arm-uncomfortable-embarrassment tactics to talk us into giving him money. Sort of stop him short before he could get started.
Unfortunately he bailed before we finished breakfast which left my sense of curiosity definitely unsatisfied.
Second was the hot wireless-wave girl who was totally pushing her ass on half the people who walked by. I'm not SURE if she knew she was doing it. But it left Kev and I with an outstanding view.
Although we didn't bike as much as Jesse did, we weren't exactly slouches while we biked to the Apple Store, then to Home Depot (we had some minor repairs to fix on our bikes) and then to the Conastoga mall... and then quick and hard down Weber to meet up with Jesse on his way back in from work. I almost made it as far as I had wanted (that being the top of a pretty good hill) before we caught up with Jesse. And I only got one angry honk!
After that it was back to 52 for refreshing drinks, pizza pops, nachos, salad, chips, and video games.
The new video game of the week is: Super Smash Bro's for the Cube.
It's very pretty.
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I was riding my bike to Cambridge, and my plan was to take this bridge that's out of town but not on the busy #8 highway. And when I got about a kilometre away from the bridge, it turned into a construction zone. But I was like, "It's okay! I'm on a bike! I'll be able to maneuver where cars can't!" When I was about 500 metres away, I saw a sign reading DANGER! LIVE WIRES But I was like, "It's okay! I'm on a bike! I'll be able to see the wires and go around them!" When I was about 200 metres away, I saw that the bridge was half torn down and generally fucked. But I was like, "FUCK!" and I turned around, and had to get on the highway.
The whole bike trip was pretty good, although there were points where I was frustrated by cars or sweat or wind or hills or gravel. But it was fun. About 3 1/2 hours of biking today makes me a regular Graham!
Jesse Wilson, Friday, July 25 at 8:55 AM
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In order to get some good exercies and overcome my recent car troubles, today I decided to bike to work in Cambridge. I have to bring my laptop along in my backpack, and I was trying to think of ways to make the damn thing lighter. So then a brilliant idea hit me - I'm going to delete all my big heavy files before I go!
Robbie Anderson, Thursday, July 24 at 11:01 PM
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Hello all! Well life is good out here in regina sask, people getting drunk and having a good time. Tuong mao bought a ps2 again and now we are able to hang out with him again. Jesse I suggest you buy something cool or we will not be able to hang out with you.(I suggest a keg) Anyways I hope you all have a good day.
-Robbie"my hair isn't that shiny"aNderson
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Upcoming Notice.
We are playing Beach Volleyball late Saturday afternoon. Be there. If you want.
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EVERYTHING IS COMING UP GRAM TODAY! First, I wrote and delivered an incredible entertaining speech about using ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS to get your way!
And THEN I got a phone call from the Waterloo Public Library! My next book to read had come in and I was ready to proceed onto the next super book in the series that Jono had pushed on me.
First Avenue called and said my iBook was fixed!!! All it needed was a new logic board and a new Optical Drive!!! AND it looks like it's all going to be under warenty!!!! SO I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING!
All I've gotta do is bike over and pick it up! i'm rockin' a bmx bike. i'm rockin' a muscle-head car. i free-style where ever i go-whoah. i don't cry whenever i fall! .... so let's GO! YEAH!
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So i must say, it's been a while, not to worry.
Hunting the homo sapien is probly my new favorite past time. Those tiny little paintballs are nice at a distance of three feet. I noticed that i have no honor, i took down so many people in the back.
As dilan put it: "Proud of Ben for taking that bunker... ...Mills for taking that bullet... Dylan for holding that hay. ...It didn't help anyone."
Oh and being shot in the nads was fun, nice and swollen for a few days, it was a nice change of pace.
Point is, hunt down your neighbor with your paintballs, they will thank you for the thrill.
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I like the new unaffected media logo. You're funny. Can you send me the logos you've made? (or give me a link to them?) I think they're cool, if you don't mind maybe I'll grab 'em and make one of those "link to us" pages (I'll give you credit too).
Hey Robbie, I'm glad you killed the colonel. I'm back to being swank's only fake celebrity. I told you when you got here that I'd get you. PS - do you still have your bio for jocks book? if so can I buy it from you?
In other news Mark seems to be very good at Rayman: Arena.
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Naomi...that is really expensive for a boost!!! Next time you need a boost you should just give someone a call instead of paying $75 for one!!! And I miss the colonel already!! He made good chicken!!
Naomi Williams, Tuesday, July 22 at 8:38 PM
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Jesse, my car wouldn't start today, either! But I just used my handy dandy CAA membership and they came and gave me a boost! Hurrah! It was only $75, I suggest you get one!
Oh, but the reason why my car wouldn't start is that I'd left the interior light on since Friday night.
goes to show you just how often I drive the thing!
*packing for Waterloo*
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Hey all it is me Robbie! I kicked colonel Sanders out of here and now I get to post on swank. Cheers all and I hope to see you all drunk someday.
-Robbie"5% alc"Anderson
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Superhero? Yeah. That's right. I'm the Hero with a Capital H.
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The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
It's like I'm John Connor and SkyNet has just been switched 'on' as it was in The Rise of the Machines:
My cellphone shuts off when I press the buttons too hard. Sometimes it shuts off just because it's tired! My laptop's power cable cut itself in half. I tried to reattach it but then I saw a huge spark and I decided that it was a bad idea. My fucking car isn't starting. It's stuck in the driveway and I have no idea why.
So technology has turned on me when it knew it could hurt me most - when I am stressed over school and out of money! If you have any spare sympathy, I'd like to have some of it. Because yeah yeah there are starving children in Africa and all, but they don't know what it's like to have a car that's not starting!
Jesse Wilson, Monday, July 21 at 12:49 AM
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This weekend me and Jodie went up to Sauble Beach and it was awesome! Let me list the reasons as sentences are so 2001:
white sand pizza Miller Genuine Draft mini-golf - I beat Jodie again! huge waves O.V. Dan & his family built an awesome dam instead of a sand castle, and it exploded and water went everywhere Dairy Queen's chocolate-extreme blizzard frisbee Sleeman in a can! bikinis, especially red ones a baby! Phil brought his baby and I got to play with some of her toys sweet-ass vintage wear at the beach stores
And finally an interesting thing happened. We were swimming out in water about four feet deep in Huron when my sunglasses came off! When you lose your sunglasses in the lake, you are usually fucked! But then I felt them under my foot and they were rescued. It was a Sauble Beach miracle!
mark wilson, Sunday, July 20 at 8:06 PM
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Well I finally gave in to many years of not supporting MSN and going with the ever popular ICQ. Well the years have passed and I decided to format my computer today and the convenience of already having MSN on my computer seduced me and so you can now all find me nerd chatting on MSN
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So I got my bike back from the shoppe today and the first thing I did was almost nail my face right to the ground.
When they said that they'd realign and tighten everything back up they weren't kidding. Those brakes are bloody sensitive now!
This is going to make biking more fun.
Naomi Williams, Saturday, July 19 at 11:10 PM
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Jesus, Graham, not again!!!
I thought we all agreed with what Tuong said!! Technical perfection!
Like I know you were hit by a car and everything, but let's get it right next time soldier!
(oh, and I'm glad to hear you're okay...I really am!)
And today was my last day at the Gap...sad sad day.
Colonel Sanders, Friday, July 18 at 2:51 PM
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WHAt's up all! I just wanted to say hello to everyone out there in computer land! Peace out wiggas!
-Robbie"the real canadian hero"Anderson
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One word.... dddrrrrunnk.... its all good in this part of the country... Knock knock... fuckers...
Brad Cale, Thursday, July 17 at 2:56 PM
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"scraps" eh gram?? is that kinda like shrapnel? what "scraps" of the car are still "all over you"?
hahah. retard.
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What time is it? Why it's Story time! Two stories today, and in two different styles. First Story, Jodie Style. I was talking to a girl yesterday. And she has a boyfriend. So I wrapped up the conversation and excused myself. Second Story, Graham Style. I got blasted by a car today on my way to school. Well, perhaps blasted isn't the right word. More like I got Right-Turned through. But before you start worrying damage was minimal. Only a bunch of bruises and scrapes on me. (plus another small bump on my head) The other guy got emotional damage, a dent on the hood of his car, and $40 out of his pocket to pay for my new front tire. I figure, no blood, fixed bike, no foul. But yeah, really, it wasn't that bad. The car was only a hybrid Toyota Prius. In case you don't know what that is, picture the Toyota Echo, but lighter. And with a dent from my elbow.
Naomi Williams, Wednesday, July 16 at 12:59 AM
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Marky Mark, no hard feelings, I'll just egg your house (watch yo back, dawg!)
Sock, twas funny, but you went where you didn't need to go!
Graham, don't you mess with me, I know you computer geeks have your ways.
And yes, we're all nerds. Nerdy nerdy nerdy.
G'Night all.
Graham Cale, Tuesday, July 15 at 9:41 PM
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Guess what I did for the first time today!
I cleaned the table on Jono! Break to Eight Ball. ALLLLLLLL down! No chance for Jono!
Although I think he still won more games on the day than I did..... oh well.
Tomorrow: Geometry no fun.
Fortune for the day: Something story worthy will happen to you tomorrow. Maybe.
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If "Sarina" is just a typo meant to be "Sabrina" does that mean that the Bayfest (listed on the swank calendar) actually takes place in Sabrina?
boy Mark, we knew that your girlfriend was a groupie, but to have Blink 182 + Sum 41 in her one day, Barenaked Ladies the next and MGB + Foo Fighters after that...not to mention the audience...wow...she must be so loose...
Things must be pretty boring in our lives when we can all have a conversation about typos.
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I was just giving you a rough time Naomi. Very hipocritical of me because I hate when others rydichuleeee mi tiping. ANywho I just saw an opourtunity to make fun of someone and I jumped upon it.
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Techniccal perfecsion pleese
Naomi Williams, Monday, July 14 at 9:21 PM
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Oh, give me a break! So I forget to type a 'b' and Mark gets to drag me from the back of his car through a mud puddle.
Graham forgot a 'p' or an 'o' in supper/souper, and I don't see anyone crucifying him!!
So, what's it going to be - technical perfection or artistic expression...I eagerly await your replies.
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To those of you who thought that I couldn't get supper, and still get to class on time here I sit. In class. On the Internet. Eating my pizza. Drinking my root beer.
Mmm. Root Beer.
More volleyball anyone?
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Well Naomi you can swap stories with Sarina all you want just don't tell my girlfriend Sabrina that I know Sarina or any stories about me and Sarina. Thanks Mark
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3036440Why is this number here?
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3036440Soooo...how did the triathlon go, slackers?
And Mark, Sarina and I are going to start swapping nasty stories about you while we sell clothes to people who are not nearly as sexy as us. You better watch your back!
Graham Cale, Saturday, July 12 at 7:27 PM
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Wow. I should go to Phils more often.
Why? Because after a break from being at Phils when I do eventually go I have entirely too much fun. And the DJ doesn't play anything I request. And I wake up with dirt all over my clothes. When I find them.
Whew. Highlights? Winning free beer at the pool table, being labeled the Whore-of-the-Evening, lots of jumping, drinking races, listening to Paul puke his evening of fun back up, and oh, fleeing Pizza Pizza before the cops got called just because Brad and I caught them lying on their Health-Form thing and we wanted and we wanted a free something. (you come up with some really great ideas when drinking)
Jesse Wilson, Friday, July 11 at 10:07 AM
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Summer Fun!
After my amazing rock concert weekend ended, it looked like school would cast its menace on the remainder of the summer. But that's when everybody's second-favourite superhero Supermark showed up and saved the season!
Tuesday we ventured to Wild Water Kingdom for some wet adventures. We did some tag in the wavepool, football in the relaxed pool, screams off the giant-cliff slide and we even got to take candy from children on the Lazy River. The park has these tubes that are designed for two so our goal all day was to flip the 'em over on the way down the slide. On the last run of the day, Mark and I finally succeeded. We went 'flip' and our heads went 'bang!' into the slide wall. Ouch! But a concussion and a sunburn is a small price to pay for so much fun.
We did some other fun things but now the dude has gone back to the Saskatchewan Science Centre to be a scientist. And I gotta get my ass in gear and be a student again!
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dude. did i get some crazy news to wake up to this morning.
seems like jesse may not be the only person tele-commuting to work these days. i'll explain more later.
Andrew Mills, Thursday, July 10 at 9:43 PM
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oh my, as this is my first post in a while lets try to get caught up.
Family: sister still in hospital, after two weeks of trying to give birth to that little monster it's still not out. I say its about time for some butchery.
Love: none, no jesse these women you think i have a crush on i don't, or it's none of your buisness, so keep your own fantasies to yourself.
Criminal activities: The popo came by to see me, wanting to either take me in or inform me of a suspended licence. Thus my comment to my mother, no i will not shave, anything to keep me from being a bitch in prison is good to me. i discover before my incarceration that it was all a computer glitch.
Physical activities: I went to the gym today, good long workout. dilan shows up late. i quit about to go into the sauna, then i feel the sudden urge to honor the porcilin goddess. suffice it to say that i left my workout at that point and staggered home.
that's about all i can think of for now
however try to keep in mind punctuation is for nazi's
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I've been a busy little bee recently.... road trips, light sun burns, impromptu speeches on how to get a date and how to fake dancing, arguments about musicians or entertainers, plotting the path of the moon, and the rippers. Not to forget that both Jodie and Mark have been in town for awhile....
whew... busy busy.
Hell, there's even a rumor going around that with all of the construction going on someone cut through the fiber providing 'Net access for UW resulting in a about 30 hours of downtime on campus. That distruption kinda dimished the usefulness of my wireless card.
Maybe I'll get Mills to scan some recent pictures.
Pictures are good.
ed the sock, Monday, July 7 at 12:31 PM
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Apprently I'm not the only one who thinks that RIM is a stupid name for a company. PS - Jesse I hate you so much. Or more acurately I hate that big ass bands like Metallica only make it my way every 7 or 8 years. But hey Deftones said they might do a cross canada tour with A Perfect Circle, which would be hella sweet...
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I struggled out of bed at ten to ten on Saturday morning, fighting against my body's exhaustion. Although I was still covered in sweat, smoke and cola from the previous night's show, I exercised my new roadie lifestyle and skipped showering. After some quick breakfast at Windsor McDonald's, we were on the 401 all the way to Toronto.
After we unloaded our sexy cargo in Mississauga, we rushed to downtown and managed to find a killer parking space across from the venue. I looked at my watch and felt satisfied in arriving in time for Mudvayne and the Deftones which we were late for on Friday. But it was not to be, and lines to get in to the Skydome prevented us from ever seeing Mudvayne. We caught the middle of the Deftones set, and headed straight to the 'pit.
The Deftones' music was decent, but I was more interested in moshpit action. The 'pit was ridiculous - faster and more aggressive than even the nastiest of 'Warped Tour moshpits. But it wasn't about the Deftones' in the moshpit. Chino's voice was in the background to these guys, who were only concerned with being the king of the pit. It was fun, but almost too angry for my liking.
The Linkin Park show was better than in Detroit, possibly due to the extra ambience from the darkness offered by Skydome. They had sexy graphics on the jumbotrons for each song, although most of it was generic, abstract, and cliche. I enjoyed the music and I thought the show improved as it went on.
Limp Bizkit in Toronto was intense. I started off a few heads back from center-stage on the floor. It was great to see the band up close - each member has a unique stage presense. They quickly got every fan in the room excited and that energy kept feeding on itself and building. Fred Durst sang their new slower song and everyone in the skydome forgot their problems as we were overcome by the music. As he ended the song, he said "This is the best night of my life" and it was sincere. The starfishes were in alignment and something magical happened during that track. I was like a careless five year old with a new toy for the rest of the set, happy as could be as Limp Bizkit rocked out in the dome.
The Metallica performance capped a perfect day. On my second time I was able to enjoy the music more. James Hetfield's voice is strong and dark and it creates a perfect mood for their heavy metal. His teethy grin flashes the power in his vocals. They also played the same set as Friday, but the atmosphere in Toronto had even more energy.
It was a perfect day. |
Jesse Wilson, Sunday, July 6 at 2:27 PM
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Jono and Myself took in the Summer Sanitarium Detroit show on Friday and it was fuckin' awesome. Bad traffic caused us to miss Deftones and Mudvayne, although I wasn't too concerned. Linkin Park came on and they sounded okay. But they didn't do a hell of a lot to build the general mood at the concert. The lead guy Chester really carried the band, and although it was decent entertainment I don't think they generated the energy I was looking for.
Limp Bizkit had that energy. They were able to psych up the crowd by appealing to our love for Metallica. They covered Sanitarium in the style that made them famous. They also played a couple songs of their forthcoming disc. The Fight Song was decent, but it was mostly lost on the crowd. The other new song was a bit slower and Fred set a very intense mood. He sang opposite the stage in the Silverdome which excited the neglected fans at the back. By the time they were finishing with Faith, I was satisfied and almost intoxicated on energy.
Metallica was the main draw and they didn't disappoint. Their music is so packed with testosterone and energy you can't stop yourself from jumping around and headbanging when they play. Although I'm just a casual Metallica fan, I quite enjoyed their playlist. The mainstream tracks that built the Metallica legend were all there - Enter the Sandman, One, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and the list goes on. They played for 2 1/2 hours which satisfied all of the metal-hungry fans. When they ended, I knew that this show was one I would never forget.
After the show, we performed some elegant driving and got back to Windsor. Jodies friend Melissa Owens put us up, and we watched a few minutes of Citytv porno before collapsing in bed. It was an amazing, energy draining day. And I had to rest up for the Saturday show in Toronto. |
Jesse Wilson, Friday, July 4 at 8:44 AM
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Today my Significant Other and some of my favourite people from My Generation are gonna be Rollin' down to Detroit to get N-2-Gether Now with the Summer Sanitarium tour. Now I'm Broke 'cause I had to get some US cash. All they had was $100's so I'm afraid someone won't have Faith and think it's a Counterfit. Jodie's Windsor friend said I should Take a Look Around for criminals in motor city, but I think I'll Be OK. We're crashing in Windsor (maybe I'll get some Nookie) and then tomorrow we do the whole thing's Rearranged in Toronto. |
ed the sock, Thursday, July 3 at 12:12 PM
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by the way Calendar people, is Sarina anywhere near Sarnia?
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Well Tuong, I like your idea. I think we should also get rid of fencing and replace it with sword fighting (nudge nudge wink wink dja know what i mean, dja know what i mean).
In other news, is anyone in Regina interested in a backyard barbecue? I'll provide the backyard and the barbecue and everyone can bring their own meat and beer.
It would have to be Saturday as the riders are playing friday and I must watch them. It is good to see them win after watching them lose for so many years. (I've had season tickets for ~13 years).
anyway, blah blah blah.
keep searching
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3036440Hello everyone. I'm going nuts Brigadoon is in a week and I still have shittones of work to do on the costumes!! ARG! You should all come see it though.....It run from the 10th to the 18th in good ol Regina at the Performing ARts Center!
Need sleep now
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Bad news everybody...the hole I was diggin to China is as of now officially put on hold!! I just had a brilliant idea after watchin Hongcover get the 2010 olympics... I am gonna put in a bid for the 2012 summer olympics and am gonna need some volunteers. I figure i am gonna convert the big hole I was diggin to China in my backyard and that can be where all the swimmin is... we can build a track at robbie's house using the rout his dog runs in his back yard... and then we will need a basketball court...that can be at Bryans's house cuz he already has a basketball net... And Mark's house is where we will have people go to use the washroom. Any other suggestions or helpful comments would be appreciated after all I only have another 2 more years to plan this bid and ohh... yeah send me money cuz their is only $10 in the bid budget right now... 2012 Olympics!! (comin to a backyard in Regina in 2012!!!)
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