3D implementation of Scorched Earth. Hopefully be able to play it online against others. Implemented with C++ using openGL.
Random multitextured landscape using diamond square algorithm
Realistic moving sky
Moving Water
Randomly positioned tanks
Fly around with your mouse
Choose a projectile
Press the spacebar key to fire a projectile
Blow up pieces of the ground
Press insert to change tanks vision to night vision
Use page up and down keys to change projectile power precisely
Use home and end keys to change projectile power rapidly
Press arrow keys to move tank barrels
Press 1 and 2 to alternate between tank and bot views
Zoom in and out with z and x keys
Menu bar with tank info and above view map
Press m to hide the menubar
Save and load games
Change screen reolution and color depth
Sweet particle engine will make it easy to create projectiles
Current Goals:
Plan on improving performance by using Frustum Culling and Quad or Oct trees with Z-buffering
Improve water
Improve tank placement algorithm
Improve tank collision detection
Use OpenAL for sound to make sounds come from specific locations
Have a working game which is now fun to work on improving!
Useful links
NeHe Productions - Best OpenGL site there is
The Red Book - Must read for beginners
Game Tutorials - Great Tutorials
PyOpenGL Manual - Useful Reference manual - OpenGL main site
- March 7, 2003 - Jono Feldstein
- Been a while since I updated, been working on the project a lot though. Lots of changes. The most exciting change is the brand new random terrain algorithm, the Diamond Square algorithm, kinda sweet. Also sweet is the ability to create games, pick your resolution and color depth. Also you can save and load a game! Tanks also fall now. The collision detection algorithm has started to be tweeked. Tanks can be killed although the tank collision detection needs a serious overhaul. Can also zoom in and out with the z and x keys. Check out the game, its sweet! Here are some recent screenshots 1 2
- January 31, 2003 - Jono Feldstein
- Some more fun things have been added. Multitexturing has been implemented! Damn sweet, can be toggled on/off with the t key. Can also choose between firing baby-missiles and missiles with the TAB key, blow up small pieces of land or big ones, your choice! Can now fly backwards with right mouse button. Added a menu screen, soon you will be able to set game options and create games. This will speed up the time it takes to get the game started although you will have to wait for the game to load eventually, will need to make a loading screen.
- January 25, 2003 - Jono Feldstein
- Lots of fun things have been added. You can see your power bar and batteries now. Can change them using PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to move them precisely and use HOME/END to move them rapidly. Can also use night vision when in tank mode, press INSERT, very useful on dark levels! The greatest addition is that you can now blow up the ground! Tons of fun, give it a try, you wont be disappointed. Can also hide the menubar by pressing m.
- January 15, 2003 - Jono Feldstein
- The game has been reimplemented. The code is now vastly more readable and object oriented. I think the game looks much crisper. Also the rendering efficiency has been improved significantly, more of this to come.
Note: I plan on making my source code available as soon as I am satisfied with how far along the project has come. I have a specific set of conditions in my mind that must be met before this can occur. I am making substantial progress towards this goal.
Warning! The current version may not run well on many older computers. New versions may be posted at a later time that will run better on the average persons machine.