
Jodie Ashford Bordine Body Jesse Wilson Allene Chernick Kevin Maltby Graham Cale Amanda Sills Linsey Skam Jonothan Feldstein Candice Menezes Bryan Chernick
What colour are your kitchen plates? who the hell cares?! they're white. very original u mean the plastic ones? they are all sorts of different colours and shapes and styles... dont really like that whole "matching" thing white with blue flowers! I live at home....white some sort of fruit or something One has flowers, one is kinda blue, and the other one's busted. white with green rims and flowers in the middle red, blue, green and yellow plastic I'm afraid that's a little bit too personal. You'll have to take things slower with me. white with green flowers White pottery with a green ring around the outside.
What are you reading now? just finished harry potter. im reading "Queen" getting back to my "Roots" geek stuff online - to be a more eleet hacker The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan this email clearly....c'mon now people Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. a book about the ebola virus. It is supposed to be very good and educational. Nora Robert's Smut!!!!! Caution: Do not aim at eyes or face. a susan howatch book.. can't remember its name right now :p Harry Potter (JK Rowling) #5, Sword of Truth #5 (Terry Goodkind), The Satanic Verses (Salmon Rushdie), Disigning CSS Web Pages (Chrisopher Schmitt), ADO programming for dummies, Administrating IIS 5.0, etc. etc.
What's on your mouse pad? nothing. i need a new mouse pad. something cool or something i dont have a mouse pad... yes, i am ghetto that way 'picture of a guy shooting his chair Harry Potter some computers flying through the air or something What mouse? I don't have one!!! egads a picture of my sister (brooke) and her boyfriend....go figure!!!! Some artistic BMO image. I gotta get a new mouse pad. nothing! dell symbol (work)
Favorite board game? back in the day it was candyland... now it's anything that i can get people to play with me! thats a tuff one... i think that it would have to be monopoly cuz i like to be that banker and steal the moola swear-word scrabble Twister Trivial Pursuit....friends don't let friends play Risk Abalone. If that counts. trivial pursuit with alot of clues thrown in. a toss up between Sorry and Monolpoly !!!! Hmmm.. tough call. I will go with chess. And Graham, since when did you like Abalone so much, I'll have to break you in some more. scrabble Risk, because I'm the world's best fake dictator!
Favorite magazine? i dunno. none really, but i suppose i'll say cosmo... oh boy for sex positions! biography because i like reading about everyone elses drama and not having my own... i dunno. none really, but i suppose i'll say cosmo... oh boy for sex positions! i dunno. none really, but i suppose i'll say cosmo... oh boy for sex positions! Transworld Skateboarding A toss up between, Cosmo, Maxim, Stuff, and Swank. For the sex positions! The new internationalist People!!! Games magazine. i'd have to say cosmo.. though i'm starting to get interested in shape and self hhhhmmmm...I like the online 'zine www.unaffectedmedia.com (pretty cool how I turned that question into a shameless plug huh?)
Favorite Smells? um leather i guess candy and men the 'those little donuts' that they have at the 'Ex rain Tiny Tim donuts from the Ex...I agree...oohh...or freshly made fudge... Strawberries. Yum. Matt Mitrovich Strawberry candles Teen Spirit lavender the sweet smell of a CS degree (signifying the end of school!)
Least favorite? that is definitely stelco smells. any of them smog and airplane fuel today when we were driving to Gram's beach it smelled like poo so bad. It was horrible. Bryan's farts chickeny poo....how can something that tastes like everything take such nasty smelling shits? The old smell of death and grossness. pig shit!! meatloaf! Sulphur covered in crap covered in pee with a slight whiff of mint garbage.. my ass is pretty nasty
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in morning? either a) yay! i am waking up beside my jesse, or b)aw. i wish i was waking up beside jesse the reason y im getting up in the first place where am I and what did i do last night? What time is it wake up in the "morning"?you don't know me very well huh? Ugh that's bright/loud/hot/sweaty Do I really want to get up What time is it!!! Looks like I beat heart and stroke again! right now.. i'm waking up in the afternoon.. and i'm thinking.. oh geez.. another day of making up what to do! "I should call in sick today"
Favorite colour? blue, or anything very bright! blue and other dark colours..... who needs the brightness blue tye dye dark metallic blue Red red blue and yellow Black and Blue purple black? yellow maybe? or naked...naked is good....
Least Favorite colour? um. hm. i dunno. black i suppose PINK!!! pink is a girl colour and it sucks poop brown...and boo to UPS for trying to make brown cool. the florescent colours suck. none, I pretty much like them all. brown Dark red pink pink? who cares?
How many rings before you answer the phone? if i'm lucky enough to get a phone call, i'll pick it up as soon as possible! what if the person hangs up before i get there!? well, i dont usually hear my phone cuz im listening to my walkmen so i cant really answer that question fucking broken cellphone shuts off when I press 'Send' to receive a call Enough to let me see who's calling meh....2 I guess fun question considering the ringer on my cellphone's busted now.... usually one sometimes three I never answer the phone (Brooke always answers first) Depends on if I'm horny, my phones on vibrate. one/two.. depends how close i am to it.. Enough to check call display. I don't want to end up listening to some freak playing the guitar to me for an hour and a half!
Future child's name? i dunno. i think it'll depend on what they feel like inside my tummy! something fun though, and definitely something that they can have a nickname with! something that they will hate me for... something weird... they will grow to be strong in everyway if i do that Loklan and Barkey Loki whew....future child....had me scared for a minute there... Wanda (can I call you wanda?). Or Jenny (867-5309). Or.... I don't know. Unknown hmmmk!! Garfunkel maybe a name that has some meaning...can't pick it yet Gak haven't thought about it.. I always thought it would be fun to name my child "James" but spell it F-U-C-K. This would result in hilarity in the classroom.
Teacher: "Is Fuck Chernick here?"
Fuck: "No, no, it's JAMES."
What is most important? doing what's right for myself, and making my people happy i dunno.... world peace? having the most fun you can have fun short term gain supporting those who're important to me having the most fun you can have treating others with respect! Being the type of person you want to be even though it may not always seem to be to your benefit. having ambition without losing sight of the little things that matter.. knowing who you are.
Chocolate or Vanilla? sometimes either sometimes either chocolate chocolate chocolate Vanilla. Easy. chocolate chocolate , always chocolate!!! That sounds like a racist question to me. chocolate!! better than ??? jesse, you know what i'm talking about :) chocalate
Do you like to drive fast? i do... when i'm in a rush to get to waterloo! do i like to drive? so far... its NO!! yeah but it's more rewarding to Drive Great than to Drive Fast yea why yes, yes I do maaaayyyybbeee.... Who's asking? once in awhile not in my parent's car.... When I can't hear the people screaming in my car. i would if i could... yeah...then I like to take out my gun cut off that ass hole in front of me get out of the car and pull the trigger. Then a little flag comes out of the gun that says "have a nice day"
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? i've got a bunch at home, and one in the loo (he's my favourite though) only if they buy me dinner first she's an animal, but i don't think she's stuffed yes nope... nope. no no Lets see, there is baby, bear, chipmunk, lucky, doggy, elaroo, fluffy and hoppy. I mean, umm... of course not! no If you consider Shannon a stuffed animal!
Storms -cool or scary? very cool scary... ppl get hurt in storms i get scared but that is fun cool cool until they make me turn off my computer or keep my awake sexy cool i get scared but that is fun rain is great...thunder, lightening and tornadoes are not! Storms pretty cool, but I like Wolverine better cool.. Cool
What type was your first car? oh, my baby... 2000 ford focus the mississauga trasit same as now - the Climaxima 1982 VW Rabbit i miss him Grand Prix I wish I had a car... Toyota Camry piece of shit that broke down alot. The very cool...Barbie Van! Toyota Camry and its still running unlike Amandas some blue car that a kid in kindergarten gave me.. only to be told that i had to give it back because he was crying for it :) um, the first one I owned was an '86 Mustang, but my parents '76 Suburban was basically mine...
If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be? my poppa i think. i never met him. and he had eyes like frank sinatra. bluer than blue! it would be scary to meet a dead person... esp if they still look dead!! i think i could have fun getting a starbucks with Dave Grohl dunno hmmm....James Gosling...ya, I'm a proud geek... I think it'd be interesting to meet my grandfather.... hmmm David Suzuki yep definately him everyone I meet is for a reason...I don't want to tempt fate Einstein, just think about how much money I could get for selling his brain on EBay! dunno... This question is not specific enough. If I got one hour to spend with anyone alive it would be Shannon Sills, because she's my favorite person. If it were someone dead It'd be my grandmother, because I miss her. If it were someone famous it'd be Ghandi, he's my hero.
Favorite alcoholic drink? depends whatcha buyin? anything. rubbing alcohol... hahaha... i dunno the one that comes with a nice man holding it crown royal and pepsi gin and juice CR and Coke cranberry and vodka I guess... I've had enough of it... crown royal and pepsi, I have to agree or sangria strawberry daquiris or sex on the beach Anything girly rum and coke.. beer
What is your sign and birthday? taurus (BULL. i'm a stubborn beast!) may 18, '82 i dont have a b-day anymore leo the lion for August 15, 1981 Virgo the virgin August 25th, 1983 (I expect a present Jesse...or at least some love) Leo, August 14, 1980 June 5th, 1980. Gemini. saggitarius, Dec. 10, 1980 libra for September 24, 1980 I say Gemini, but I'm on the border. June 21st, first day of summer, longest day of the year, was born on father's day, oh yeah! scorpio.. 5th November Virgo, sept. 4, 1981
Do you eat the stems of Broccoli? if i'm going to the trouble of eating broccoli, i may as well eat it all! yes, thats the best part not exclusively not exclusively sure Yes. yes i don't eat any part of the brocolli Only if they keep on struggling. You should really just put it out of it's misery. yep. yeah, but only so I don't get beaten.
If you could have any job what would it be? i would like to play with animals... but since i'm allergic to them, i'll take the next step and play with kids! one that requires me to do nothing but be on the computer or watch movies or listen to music it would be cool if someone could afford to pay me to drive a big van to parties and give out free shit Captain fun professional rockstar, and superhero on weekends Super-model Photographer. It would be cool if I could work on third world projects to give people clean water might sound corny...but I don't want to be anything but a great teacher (I hope I get a job!) Supreme ruler of the world. some kind of tour guide on an island boat trip.. like the dolphin dhow at home :) Rock Star/Web geek...oh well 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
If you could have any colour hair, what would it? bleached blond! oh yah! blond or red, they both have so much fun electric blue would be cool but only it grew that colour a rainbow mohawk Purple Intense Bright White would be kinda fun.... But Flame Red would be better I think. red, I really like red hair blonde I guess Glow in the dark. red It is important to accept one's natural appearance. However, I always thought it would be cool to grow one side of my hair really long, shave the middle and comb over the side. (only cool when not actually bald).
Is the glass half full or half empty? always full! how about neither... the glass is empty all the way... order another round when it gets to half so that when it does get empty you have a full one waiting for you depends on the pouring meh, full. Full. Unless it's the last one. Jesse's idea is good, It is usually half full always half full... In my house if it's on the table for too long my mom has already put it in the dishwasher. half empty there is no glass
Favorite movie? movie of the moment is finding nemo, but no one believes me that it's awesome! dont have one.. but i will say "sandlot, sandlot, come on let's go SANDLOT!!" jurassic park is the best movie of all time Kevin Smith or Disney movies no idea...Back to the Future is up there Back To the Future. The first one. Brave Heart Sound of Music Sleuth or Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom amadeus, primal fear, shawshank, count of monte cristo.. "Godzilla goes to Melville"
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? sure do! and fast, too! sometimes... it gets boring if i dont spice it up 4NY 31337 H4X0R C4N 7YP3 7H15 W4Y I say they're right yeah sure, however, jesse has proven that I can be crippled by changing the keys around... yeah. yes nope Wow, looks like I'm the only one who sucks. nope.. yes.
Favorite sport to watch? anything and everything. well. except golf. and soccer. and basketball. ok. so not quite everything i suppose everything 'cept for basketball... although i could watch that live... and golf, never the roughriders! they're 2-0 this season, I think they're gonna win the cup at Taylor Field SEx I mean Xgames x-games is about the only sports that I watch on the tv... Curling. biking, or climbing probably hockey or tennis Hockey, and people it said sport not activity! tennis (cfl) football
What is your single biggest fear? being forgotten by the people who love me not being loved, or being able to love or not capable of being loved.. being a boring sheep rectal probing with a studded rusty club I'm with jesse...being a sheep would suck...being covered with all that wool would be scratchy and hot.... Becoming helpless or weak. not finding a fulfilling job and being like the office space people dying without leading a fulfilling life Death not sure right now.. changing my opinion to make other people feal comfortable.
Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you. She has a special place in my heart and i miss her a lot she's awesome all around She has a special place in my heart and i miss her a lot Jesse is always fun and has really nice boobies Jesse is the rockin' original slacker. Jesse's always got my back. And I'm comfortable with that. Jesse is great he is always doing things for other people. He is the nicest guy I know who would do anything for me if I asked him to.... Jesse does a great job of motivating the people around him. they are all amazing people... (i've got this at least 4 times) I want to marry her someday. (is that nice?)
Person most likely to respond? mo! it's not like she has a life or anything! hahahah love ha i dunno Jono would be able to show off his superb cleverness by responding really let's be honest I'm only sending this back well clearly no one Josie! Maybe Jono but most likely Jane Candice...don't let me down Jane I guess probably jamala no one, i'm just replying and ccing jesse cuz he may want the world to know how weird i am...or not...
Person you sent this to who is least likely to respond? definitely jesse. but that's ok, coz he's no slacker. he's a busy man! i dunno Graham is way too cool for these things, just like me! see answer to previous question everyone, cuz survey's got old in the 90's... Josie... Graham is way too cool for these things, just like me! Yep I concur definietely my dad Mills, he's the only person I sent this too. dunno.. the majority you're persistent aren't you?
Favorite CD? anything that i can sing along to and play loudly in my car! i dont really have one... just something fun to dance to or listen to or make me cry... yes there are songs that can do that to me... swank trax! Ani DiFranco So much shouting so much laughter Ataris - So Long, Astoria. Ummm, SwankTrax: Red Button. 'cause that's me. swank trax! Gotta go with that one John Mayer: Room for Squares Master of Puppets can't say cause everyone will laugh :( There is a reason I have like 150 cds... cuz I can't just listen to the same one over and over. I love music, and there is so much good stuff out there (though most of the good stuff is old). anyways if I have to pick one, I'll take "Master of Puppets"
Favorite TV Show? y'know. i dunno the last time i watched tv! full house! just kiddin.... maybe law and order I liked 'That 80's Show' but they only made like five episodes God the Devil and Bob....oh why did they stop showwing you CSI, and not Miami either, that lame carbon copy's got nothing on the original Smallville, or 24. Hmmmm! Trading Spaces I can't pick one! Law and Order (The original) friends Justice League
Ketchup or mustard? both on my hotdogs, only ketchup on my fries! i like them both... but i thing that mustard is the work of the devil salsa! ew heinz ketchup Ketchup. Mustard definitely ketchup Catsup ketchup Barbecue sauce
Hamburgers or hot dogs? one of each please! but i do prefer my beef, it's true hotdogs are the "poor mans" food, so i'll go for hamburgers burgers with bacon and cheese are a Canadian delicacy. I a vegetarian....mmm Bk Veggie burgers burger Hamburgers. Man. That wasn't hard. burgers turkey burgers. Burger me. hamburgers burgers
Favorite soft drink? that's not a pepsi baby, that's a pepsi twist! ch-ch-cherry cola pepsi's the one that's forever young Dr. Pepper Mountain Dew or Mellow Yellow,how do you stay smooth? Jones Soda Green Apple. root beer diet coke, I know the aspartame will eventually kill me but at least I'll never be thirsty 7up root beer D r. Pepper
Favorite place you have been? 52 Columbia street. in the yellow bedroom i havent been anywhere that holds to that... maybe one day phil's nightclub is helluva fun when the energy's flowing that place i went that one time when I was sleeping..where Jesse and I could b e together phils is always good times... The Beach. phil's nightclub is helluva fun when the energy's flowing Switzerland On stage after performing in Super Heros, my highschool play. the waterfall at the treetops lodge at home.. home
What Screen Saver/Wallpaper is on your computer right now? a cartoon from explodingdog.com X-men evolution it's a marilyn-manson-esque downward arrow on a blue background it's blue I cool shot of an MTB dude back- wheeling a ledge Strong Bad! "Every Time that I look at myself, I can't believe how AWESOME I AM!" a person spalunking in caves a dawson's creek photo that brooke put there The I hate you so bad bunny with my Swank Calendar screen saver. landscape..
Burger King or McDonald's? being that you can only buy a bigmac at mcdonalds... definitely the golden arches! mcdonalds... cuz i grew up on that crap... just give me a happy meal subway tastes better and it's better for you BK BK vastly exceeds the so called quality of fast food at McPuke's...but I'd still rather go to Wendy's and dip fries in my frosty. McD's Wendy's mmmm!!1 Have to agree with Jesse: subway tastes better and it's better for you McD's McDonald's. no thanks.